Another tense and emotional episode. It's phantastic how they manage to keep the balance between the action sequences and the personal stories.
The air battles, already among the best I've ever seen, were once again great. The short slo-mo/time freeze was awesome. So was the fight between the Fort and these fighters. I don't know if something like this ever happened but it sure was a great sequence. But despite all that you never forget that those people were really in that. You flinch when the bullets rip through the fuselage, you wince when someone is hurt. And you feel kinda empty when they sit through the interrogation counting down the losses.

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I'm continuing with this series, but sporadically. The production values are very high, but some of the obviously large budget could have been better spent on casting. Most of the characters come across as two or even one-dimensional, which seems to come from the actors, but this is not helped by the somewhat lack-lustre script.

There is less of the 'it was the USA that won it' attitude than I expected, but the story remains too one-sided.

Still, I'll come back at some point and finish the thing. At some point.

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Am I really the only one growing bored by this show? The action is pretty much the same: fly straight through flak and fighters.

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Amazing, intense episode. Knowing Buck was their leader and invincible, it makes a lot of sense Austin Butler seemed to be the lead for the whole series. The uncertainty of not knowing what happened makes it hard to believe he is dead. Can't believe only one plane made it out. Next week's episode seems to feature the death camps so will be intense.

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can't believe these episodes are 45 min long! I just hit play and in 5 minutes I see "Next on Masters of the air". Can't wait binge the whole thing in one sitting

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I didn’t know this can be made more dramatic and heartbreaking than Band of Brothers.
Realise that this is based on real events and it’s not a writers idea to wipe out all ships but one, that’s the shocking part.
This is truly what the war is. I have relative fighting in Ukraine against russians and heard stories of how anyone can die at any moment. Watching this show makes you think that war is terrible and pointless, and should be avoided by any means.
Prime minister, President - they have one job: don’t allow the war to happen. War is the easy way out for you with price of countless lives, do your job!

(I still wait for some of main characters to return. The show’s intro gave it away: it’s edited from pieces of different episodes and there’s quite a few shots of POVs, probably will be some episodes dedicated to that)

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Just hope I stop crying long enough to watch the next episode.
“No reports” :sob:
Adrenalin fuelled, emotional and a hard hitting episode.

Most of these servicemen were mere boys, not much older than my own sons. It’s heartbreaking to be reminded of that.

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I almost thought the guy that said “Jesus, another mission” was Anakin Skywalker because of the way he said it, how he looked en his facial expression. The best starpilot in the galaxy

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Heroes or "pigs at the trough", make your pick!

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