Was that whole episode a long shot? Holy crap...

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The cinematography in this episode is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen.

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Absolutely great episode, action, confrontation, background politics and the ongoing "runtime error", all at just the right composition.

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One of the very best episodes ever made in any tv show.
This 3rd season feels more polished and refined in every aspect.
Golden ep.

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ep5 felt like a literal movie. the tension. the continuous and perfectly executed single shot scenes. the acting. the music. the builup. it was fucking beautiful

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Absolutely riveting television. Episodes like this make critics look to Mr. Robot for one of the best episodes of television year after year.

Without giving spoilers on this episode, this is the type of television that will have you regretting looking away. The cinematography, acting, writing, pacing, all of it is nearly impeccable and a joy to experience.

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Blend in. Look bored. Broken. Get a blank office stare on my face. This is how they do it, isn't it? How they're able to watch the world fall apart around them? Because to them, this is normal. It's all they know.


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I will never forget this ep. The best I've ever seen.

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does this ep have a cut? This was insane

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This is the show I've been wanting to see. Less of the disorder. more of the dis-order

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This episode is a real runtime error. Chaos. Wild camera rides. And good gags like the old nerd lady in the office. ^^

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Incredible episode. I love Mr. Robot from ep.1 but this is just fantastic from the moment in the elevator up through to the very end.

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Awesome episode! Very dynamic and stealth-action balanced.

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Great episode. So much happening. The way we mainly follow non stop around Eliott while escaping security, then Angela during the riot, great camera work. Ending at just the perfect point.

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Fuck that cinematography! I mean kudos for achievement the intended effect but NOPE not worth getting motion sickness at all.

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This episode is truly a masterpiece. The long take was amazing.

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Hot damn! That was just an amazing one-shot.

The music (Einstein On The Beach) was the perfect tone for the various times used. What was brought to my attention early on, is that with one-shot sequences you're restricted to a particular area. You cant cut away, and in seconds you're across the city. Rather, you're localized, and with that .. brings dialog. We first see this with the conversation between Elliot and his cubicle mate. Then, as the episode progresses, it's used throughout as a transition between locations.

It was awesome to follow Elliot as the viewer this much in a episode. He even notes, "Stay with me" .. and yet, we leave him and find our-self following Angela instead.

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Holy fuck, that camera work is legendary

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This was the best episode of the entire series, and one of the best TV episodes I have ever seen.

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Absolutely phenomenal

(word count fill)

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Unique episode. Cinematography on point.

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Some of the long running camera shots are just phenomenal. Amazing work by the director, cast, and crew for pulling them off.

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Magnificent episode. Portia Doubleday and Rami Malek were spectacular. One of the best episodes of any show I have ever seen

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A nearly flawless episode of television on all fronts. Phenomenal.

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One word can describe this episode: MASTERPIECE

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By far the most incredible episode of all time. It blew me away. Everything was perfect, the one long take, the audio, even the fact that the broadcast was commercial-free (not for everybody apparently). Great job here.

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I don't know how to describe this episode, quite honestly. Probably the best TV episode I've ever seen. I'm so going to watch this over and over again.

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No doubt this was the best episode by far this season (probably in entire series), would be pretty difficult to top this off. Hyped for what comes next!

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This is the best episode in Mr. Robot by far. #WeTheBold

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One of the best episodes of television I've ever seen.

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Love it! So much better than anything else this season. Plus the cool pseudo-one-shot camera a la Rope made for great tension.

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man that dude in the next cubicle I would probably blow my brains out

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