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Mr. Robot: Season 4

4x13 Hello, Elliot

Do You hear “Dark” music theme here?

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I know it got a little weird in the middle but I never stopped believing in this show.I loved it from the beginning till the end.It was an amazing show.

Coming to the episode:
That face swap was funny.
Some things are missing in the end like what happened to Tyrell,Dark Army but I think the show ended in the best way possible.

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Loved it. Still don't get it.

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I don't think I can agree with all the commenters on this ending. I would say Episode 10 was the real ending to the series, they should've left it there. The last 3 episodes were just there to showoff artistic talent of the creators. I get it, but honestly if I want art I'll go watch a play, opera, or go to the museums but not when I'm watching something on the telly. This was one of the main reasons I hated how they ended Lost (it was a complete copout) & same goes here. Glad I watched this entire season on TiVo so I could put it on QuickMode.

Anyway great show, amazing soundtrack, the visuals were stunning, and it has been a fun ride. Can't wait for Battlestar Galactica reboot.

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Thank you everyone involved with Mr Robot, one of the few TV series that didn't treat the viewer like an idiot.

Welcome back Elliot, and goodbye my friend.

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Masterpiece My god, so Underated :100::100::100::100::100::100::100::100::100::100::100::100::100::100::100::100::100::100::100::100:

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darlene and elliot made me cry like a baby, i never thought mr robot would do this to me. thank you.

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Perfect ending to an almost perfect show. We couldn't ask for much more than this.

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We haven't has a series finale this satisfying in years, given the state of the entertainment industry it looks as if we never will again. This was absolutely fantastic.

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A bit of a disappointing ending

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In a way, Whiterose's "machine" works because Elliot is reborn.

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Goodbye Friend.
Damn I cry, one of the rare perfect ending of TV.

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i am gonna miss this show and i am gonna miss eliot

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Amazing simply amazing. This finale has restored my faith that great shows can end well and left me satisfied beyond my wildest imagination. Thanks for the experience. The journey was worth it. Bravo!

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Shout by Last Impressions
BlockedParent2020-11-13T01:10:18Z— updated 2020-11-24T00:40:44Z

Love the set up and references in the earlier episodes regarding Back to the Future 2 which came into play in the final episodes. One of the greatest self help books i've ever watched. This series is like a rollercoaster ride at Coney Island...

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Absolutely amazing. Instead of going complete parallel timeline bs quickly transitioned into a beautiful ending that I've never expected.

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Great show. Love it from the beginning to the end. Thank you for this.

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This was a masterclass in television. Thank you, Mr. Robot, for showing us how it's done.

Thank you, friend. I love you.

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Rewatched the show once. Won't do it again. After all, this only works if I let go too.

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Finally got around to finishing this show and I’m so glad I avoided spoilers. Mr. Robot is easily one of my favorites. Great way to end it. The last half of this season was so intense. Incredible all around. Thanks to anyone who had a part in the making of this.

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Without a doubt, best show ever.

Psychology elevated to fifth. Couldn’t have better closure, couldn’t have better time to this crazy reality to reveal too...
A lot of xf phrases and... profound. Tnx, SamEsmail and actors!

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At first, the ending upset me. And then I realized it was perfect. Genius, even. Absolute closure.

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Hardly any series ever ended this beautifully and left such a profound effect on me. I’m speechless. I don’t know if I can compare it to anything I’ve watched.
Almost every aspect of it is well thought out and perfectly executed.
If you’re not sure if you want to watch it, just do - you will not regret it even in the slightest.

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This show will always have a special place in my heart. The way it included the viewer in the story, the characters, the plot and especially the plot TWISTS... incredible. Truly one of the best tv shows of all time. The way Sam Esmail ended it was perfect. I will most definitely be revisiting this show many times throughout my life.

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Really cool ending... A beautiful finish of the series.

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How do I take off a mask when it stops being a mask?

Just wow! How brilliant! The mastermind

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Hello, Elliot
Goodbye my friend
I fucking love you bro :'(

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Perfection, nothing more. The entire serie is a masterpiece. Thank you for the ride!

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Farewell friend, it's been an honor.

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Shout by Rizzeal
BlockedParent2019-12-29T15:09:13Z— updated 2019-12-31T08:01:32Z

I really wanted to like the finale but I'm not feeling it tbh... Feels like this is a conclusion to a completely different show than the one we've been watching the last couple of years. Despite this finale, I still think the show as a whole is one of the best I've ever watched.

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So our Elliot breaks the recursive loop and we learn that he's not THE Elliot. Or not the entire Elliot. Or something. I'm pretty sure that this won't make a lot more sense when I get around to watching it all again, but the acting in this one was once again stellar. At the same time, though, I got the sense from the artsy-ness of it all that Esmail was trying too hard and overcompensating for some art teacher of his in the past who had sold him short. Or something. Still, few can end a show as creatively as he did here, so props to him for that.

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Who did Cop-Dom see on the ID? Or standing in front of her? Or both? Or either? What?

Glad it's over and went out on a high, as it was running out of ideas (the ending proved that by essentially doubling down on the big disappointing first season Fight Club rip-off twist).

Overall it has been somewhat redeemed by the final two seasons, after two very shaky opening seasons (the second suffered from the same fate as Westworld's second season, which was that once the central puzzle box mystery was solved and found to be underwhelming, there was nowhere really to go).

A show which had some nice visuals and music, unprecedented attention to minor nerdy computer details, and some trailblazing and amazing episodes, but still falls well short of the very top levels of this TV age.

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And that's all folks! :) Amazing ride! Loved every bit of it. Yo, David Benioff, D. B. Weiss, this is how you end a show!!!
During these 2 parts I had some Fringe vibes and then some Fight Club vibes. Did I get it right Mr. Sam Esmail? Ahh if only some Pixies were played!
I hope some meaningful awards come their way. They deserve! One of the best tv shows of the decade. I'll be part of the cult, that's for sure. Although I liked everything about the show, the visualization of the hacking details on screen were the true key for me to watch it every time a new episode came. It was what interested and captivate me in the beginning but then all the rest came and it was fascinating. Everything connected and that one thing became a whole and I couldn't stop recommended the show to everyone. So, thank you Mr. Robot for making my days in this life much more enjoyable.

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I was scared it was going to be a disappointment (as usually happens) but what a nice way to ended it... will I watch the whole series again? You bet!

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We'll always be a part of Elliot Alderson. Goodbye friend :sob:.

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Best ending to one of my favorite shows ever. After this ending, I'll always keep wondering if there is something/someone inside me trying to protect me as the Mastermind did to Elliot. 10/10 from me.

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What a ride. Without a doubt a modern masterpiece.

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Thank you, Sam Esmail, for breaking my heart and healing it again as I watched this show.

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M83's Outro always makes finales feel better than they actually are, it's basically cheating

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What about whiterose's machine? Why did she kill herself? What was her plan?

What about Angela? How did WR Brainwash her? What did she show her?

What was the point of Tyrell?

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Yes, there was a great plot-twist. Yes, I didn't see that coming. But what did it bring to the series, everything that has happened hasn't all of a sudden happened in a different perspective. It didn't really change the view on the show. Maybe here or there there might have been some signals that this new plot could've been detected. Unfortunatly the plot-twist didn't blow my mind (like in a 6th sense kind of way). It kind of leaves me searching for the reason why Sam thought this was the best possible ending...

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omfg that was sooo good,totally at mindfuck10/10

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I don't understand a shit

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Thank you. Thank you to the whole cast and crew for your hard work, brilliant ideas, gorgeous visuals and sound, fantastic acting, amazing minds and so much more. Simply thank you. This show is everything to me.

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This is a triumph of television. I cant begin to express how much I have loved this series. Breaking Bad, Legion, The Shield, The Wire and now Mr.Robot have elevated what television could be.

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Beautifully summed up the whole show.. We will miss you ELLIOT!!

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After all this I can't wait for the Battlestar Galactica reboot. Esmail, thank you, and thank you a thousand times more for not giving up on this or on me.

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Other than the slight mishandling of Tyrell and Joanna Wellick (+ their fantastic actors), this show is really something special. I honestly don't know what we did to deserve this.

Kudos to USA for having continuous faith in the cast and crew. When I think Peak TV, Mr. Robot will be number followed closely by Watchmen and The Leftovers.

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Perfection. Simple as that.
Thank you friend.

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this is the best ending the show can ever get imo.

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Wait, I'm not Elliot?

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Despite it not ending entirely the way I thought it would, it was the perfect conclusion. I’ll probably enjoy it even more when I rewatch the entire show now that I know exactly what happens. 9.5/10

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One of the best series of the decade

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I am speechless right know

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I didn't love it but I didn't hate it either.
I guess I need to see it again in the context of a marathon of the entire series to fully appreciate it.

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Outro by M83 was an absolutely fitting ending track to this incredible series. Sam Esmail, I think I speak for all of the fans of this show - thank you. Thank you for breaking the mold for just how good a TV show can be. It's been a wild ride...

Bonsoir Elliot.

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Sam Esmail beautifully finished it. <3 Goodbye,friend. I love you.

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