Such a fun show, with the greenest flag for a ML! They are both adorable and sweet and it was just delightful from beginning to end!
One comment I do have to say - the English translation on Viki is not 100% accurate... A lot of weird choices with the TL, that sometimes make Kota's thoughts seem to come out of nowhere even though they directly connect to what has been said before in the Japanese...

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very cute! I love the concept sm and the way they really matched each other's energies! I haven't read the manga but considering the way this is adapted, I'd imagine it's pretty close to the original, at least humour-wise. that's not usually my cup of tea; I prefer when the live-action tones down the cartoonish exaggerations a bit more but that's not on the actors. they executed the prompt very well. another little thing is that I wish they had given us a fewww more crumbs of the budding sapphic relationship they hinted at. I was so interested in them, I wish they could've gotten more screen time towards the end. other than that, this has been such a fun time! I can imagine this being in many people's fav comfort shows lists

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