Shout by Ki

When Ryan storms out of The Claw and Nancy follows, you see it cut while Ryan's talking, between "Is this a business hit?" and "Ryan, are you serious?" In the first shot, they look dry. But somehow in that <5 seconds it takes for the dialogue to happen, both of them are wet. Nancy's hair's drenched. So obviously it took a few shots at least to film and they probably cut two shots together, because Nancy's hair was dry when they were doing the reinactment.

Nancy also taps her phone screen a bunch of times when putting in the coordinates for the workshop in, but on the screen it does absolutely nothing :joy:

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Man, I'm going to have to rewatch every episode a hundred times over to truly be able to process everything but more so, have a constructed, more concise, mental understanding of everything that has been mentioned. I say that because the scene where Nancy broke the fourth wall, in a sense, by "recapping" the general points of the plot so far, is what prompted it. I heard what was said, but it didn't make its way to my brain, and even if it did, I know that would've just scrambled things more. And that being the case with this show, out of all shows, is very shocking. It's like my brain refuses to cooperate when it comes to this show, for some reason. All of that aside, my opinion on the reveal of one killer is indifferent. Correction, I wouldn't go as far as to say it's an opinion. That's how indifferent I feel towards it. Maybe that's because I'm still not particularly engaged in the show or whatever, I don't know. I don't care. It's a little irritating.

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