29 minutes in: ketchup-wine, anyone?
Also, she has a bit of a cleptomania side, doesn't she?

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a solid third episode enough to lock me into

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It's weird how the supernatural element keeps getting more and more prominent. I actually would have expected the writers to be a lot more coy about it. It's gonna be problematic to resolve that aspect in a believable way.

But, I gotta give props to the special effects! The ghost/ghoul/whatever looks amazing! This episode I especially liked the shadowy hands reaching for Ryan. Such a nice touch.

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I'm starting to foresee a format that will pass from character to character. Ned's been "cleared" by Nancy and in general from having anything to do with Tiffany's death, so now the spotlight's been shifted to Bess. I suspect that format will continue meaning something or other will be found out regarding Bess, and the focus will move on to George or Ace. But I don't see how that'll remain fresh without getting stale fast. There are only two more people after Bess that are suspects. This present storyline of the show may be short-lived, and something new will have to be contributed for the boat to stay afloat. I'm guessing that's going to be the other storyline that's on the back-burner, in some way, the storyline of Lucy Stable and the apparent supernatural aspect of things.

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