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NASA's Unexplained Files

Specials 2012 - 2017

  • 2012-03-28T02:00:00Z on Science
  • 45m
  • 3h 43m (5 episodes)
  • United States
  • English
  • Documentary, Talk Show
Strange flying objects have been caught on NASA's cameras and astronauts have reported seeing UFOs. Some of the odd shapes and lights can be identified; others remain a mystery. We'll reveal NASA footage and interview the astronauts and scientists.

5 episodes

Friendship 7: February 1962 - John Glenn launches to become the first American to orbit the Earth. Once in space he sees that his capsule is surrounded by a swarm of small lights he calls fireflies.

Gemini 4: June 1965 - Command pilot James McDivitt notices an object outside his craft. He describes it as having big arms sticking out of it.

Gemini 7: December 1965 - Less than 2 hrs into their mission the astronauts report an object outside their craft.

Gemini 11: September 1966 - One day after launch the astronauts notice a bright object outside their craft that appeared to chance shape.

Apollo 11: July 1969 - A flashing object is seen outside their ship. Neil Armstrong makes a cryptic call back to NASA .

Skylab 3: September 1973 - Pilot Jack Lousma reports a bright red flashing light following them for 20 minutes.

STS-49: September 1991 - A Space Shuttle camera sees an object moving across the frame that changes direction after a flash.

STS-75: February 1996 - Space Shuttle Columbia conducts electricity generation experiments. When the tether breaks a swarm of craft appear to surround the broken experiment as if floats away.

STS-80: December 1996 - As shuttle cameras turn to Earth, white objects appear to come up from the Earth and move into a circular formation.

STS-115: September 2006 - As the fuel tank is released from the shuttle launch and it moves away a triangular object appears to follow the tank back toward Earth.


Special 2 Moon Mystery Special

Special 2 Moon Mystery Special

  • 2017-04-06T02:00:00Z45m

Our moon has been the home of some of the strangest and most mysterious phenomena in the universe; counting down the moon's most perplexing mysteries.


Special 3 Mars Mystery Special

Special 3 Mars Mystery Special

  • 2017-04-06T02:00:00Z45m

Mars is the home of some of the strangest and most mysterious phenomena in the universe; counting down the Red Planet's greatest mysteries.

Counting down the most narrow escapes, and the strange, unexplainable and almost deadly phenomena astronauts face.

Special 5 Cosmic Mystery Special

  • 2017-04-20T02:00:00Z45m

Counting down the most terrifying moments and the strangest and most mysterious phenomena in NASA's history.
