Shout by Zoe

This episode had everything my little feminist heart beats for.
Will defending himself, properly and boldly.
Rayna standing up against sexual abuse, sexism, fighting for her daughter.
Juliette speaking up about her past, mental illness, substance abuse, realising what's most important for her.
Luke fighting for what's right and getting back in touch with his children.
Scarlett and Gunnar getting their shit together.
Gotta say, I hated the cliffhanger, the show would've had a perfect series finale if they hadn't put those damned last 30 seconds into the episode.
The song sung by Rayna and Daphne was lovely and summed up all the situations very well.
I loved this show and its characters and I'm very sad to see it go. Nashville, you will be missed. Damn you, ABC.
Anyway, let's just pretend Juliette landed safely, reuniting with Cadence and Avery. All while winning an Oscar. Okay? Okay.

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Are you Freaking kidding me?!? You end the series like this!!! I hope whoever decided to end it this way ended their career as well.. ridiculous!

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What kind of fucking end was that for Juliette! What kind of asshole would leave us with a cliffhanger like that.

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Too bad this show was cancelled.

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If I ever meet the person who gave the idea for juliette's ending, I will physically hurt them.

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