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  • 2008-01-14T02:00:00Z on National Geographic
  • 45m
  • 1d 9h 15m (44 episodes)
  • United States
  • English
  • Documentary
Go behind the scenes of life on our planet with National Geographic videos. Share the wonder of the natural world with educational animal videos for kids. Let National Geographic be your all-access pass with documentary videos about the U.S. State Department, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, or 9/11. Experience the past coming to life with culture and history videos, and engage more deeply with the present with science and nature.

44 episodes

Season Premiere


2008x01 Pirate Treasure Hunters

Season Premiere

2008x01 Pirate Treasure Hunters

  • 2008-01-14T02:00:00Z45m

Follow the swashbuckling historical tale of notorious pirate Black Sam Bellamy as marine archaeologist Barry Clifford goes in search of his fabled treasures.


2008x02 Buffalo Warrior

2008x02 Buffalo Warrior

  • 2008-01-21T02:00:00Z45m

Lindsay Hunt, a former professional game hunter, holds South Africa’s wild Cape buffalo in high regard. So high, in fact, that Hunt has made it his personal mission to help preserve these notoriously unpredictable animals. In the wild, the buffalo are nearing extinction from threats such as bovine tuberculosis and foot and mouth. This new documentary series follows Hunt on his intriguing journey to capture these wild buffalo – which could kill him with a single swipe of their deadly horns – in an effort to breed new healthy stock.

Where the Atlantic and Pacific oceans collide, at the bottom of South America, is Patagonia, one of the last great wild Eden's on Earth. Join National Geographic on a journey to this breathtaking sub-Antarctic region now facing its greatest challenge recovering from the misguided actions of man. Eden at the End of the World offers a wondrous glimpse into the pristine haven that is Patagonia

NGC visualizes in spectacular HD the devastating ecological impact each single degree increase in temperature could have on our planet over the next century.


2008x05 Ape Genius

2008x05 Ape Genius

  • 2008-02-20T02:00:00Z45m

As new research continues to reveal that apes are smarter than previously thought, NOVA explores just what separates humans from the great apes.


2008x06 Bizarre Dinosaurs

2008x06 Bizarre Dinosaurs

  • 2008-03-02T02:00:00Z45m

Once upon a time, long ago, in a land not so far away, our beloved planet was bunched together into one giant super-continent. It was inhabited by very small and similar creatures. But over the next millions of years, the land began to break apart, and its creatures began to grow apart-becoming bigger and weirder than ever before. Bodies with tiny arms grew massive heads. Tiny heads adorned giant crests. Long necks steadied long tails. The time of the bizarre dinosaur had arrived. Immerse yourself into a lost world of strange beasts that roamed our planet a hundred million years ago - how their stories of life, death, combat, and sex can tell us about evolution and give insight into life on our planet in National Geographic's Bizarre Dinosaurs.

AKA: The Weirdest Dinosaurs


2008x07 Code Breakers

2008x07 Code Breakers

  • 2008-03-02T02:00:00Z45m

Experts in code writing and breaking tell tales of heroic risks and cat-and-mouse secrecy, where science meets deadly adventure and everyone from queens to soldiers to everyday citizens can pay the price.

What would happen if every single person on Earth simply disappeared? Gone. Not dead, just gone. This is the astounding story of a world we will never see. A world without people, where city streets are still populated by cars, but without drivers. Nobody to fix bridges, repair buildings or maintain power plants. After being controlled by humanity for millennia, nature reclaims the earth. But how would that work? How long would skyscrapers, nuclear power plants, and our homes last if abandoned? How would wild and domestic animals fare without us? Will the Eiffel Tower outlast the Statue of Liberty? Aftermath: Population Zero gives us a chance to see the impact of human beings by seeing how Earth would adapt without us.

AKA: Aftermath: The World After Humans

It's the oldest, largest and one of the most prestigious air shows in the world, a show where fans gather to see spectacular aerial displays and get up close to the beautiful flying beasts of the sky. Business leaders gather to sign deals for new fleets of planes worth millions, swap ideas and examine new aviation technology.

National Geographic Channel goes behind the scenes of the famous Paris Air Show to see the latest examples of aviation innovation and find out how the team behind the event wing into action.


2008x10 Hammerhead Highway

2008x10 Hammerhead Highway

  • 2008-04-04T01:00:00Z45m

Equipped with more electro sensors than any other shark, extreme maneuverability, serrated teeth and an ability to swim fast have armed the Hammerhead with an amazing arsenal of survival tools. But unfortunately, indiscriminant fishing currently threatens the Hammerhead's very existence with a severe population decline in the past decade. In an ever-changing world, where skills are constantly put to the test, how will these magnificent fish continue to survive and meet the natural and unnatural challenges of today?


2008x11 Super Coasters

2008x11 Super Coasters

  • 2008-04-06T01:00:00Z45m

Imagine accelerating from 0 to 128 mph in 3.5 seconds and then hurtling over a 45-story building in a go-kart. You crest a hill, experience weightlessness and then G forces plaster you to your seat. As the ride ends, dopamine floods your brain. Every rollercoaster conspires with physics, geometry and precision engineering to jump start your brain chemistry and shake up your basic instincts. Why do we get such a rush out of roller coasters? What will the next generation of Supercoasters unleash


2008x12 Human Footprint

2008x12 Human Footprint

  • 2008-04-14T01:00:00Z45m

In a playful, surprising and thought-provoking portrait of our time on earth, National Geographic demonstrates, in a series of remarkable visuals, what makes up an average human life today and how everything we do has impact on the world around us. In this unique journey through life, it shows all the people you will ever know, how much waste you will produce, the amount of fuel you'll consume and how much you've got to pack in during your 2,475,526,000 seconds on earth.

Legends of the Ice World brings the northern polar cap to life by combining modern technology with traditional and beautiful wildlife footage. State of the art computer graphics reveal the foundations, history and weather patterns of this frozen desert of the North. Stunning wildlife footage illustrates the diversity of life in this icy world, from the seabirds and lemmings at the base of the food chain to the lords of the ice, the polar bears. This intimate portrait also follows the dramas of a reindeer migration, wrestling walruses, and the great, annual battles of musk oxen.

2008x14 Illicit: The Dark Trade

  • 2008-04-17T01:00:00Z45m

Join undercover agents and slip into the shadowy web of illicit trade, where dangerous multi-billion dollar criminal networks threaten whole sectors of the world economy. Illicit: The Dark Trade travels the globe to expose the dire consequences of this dirty industry: money laundering, political corruption, and the subversion of entire governments. From knock-off handbags to bootlegged compact discs to fake pharmaceuticals, this hard-hitting special reveals how consumers' insatiable demand for counterfeit merchandise has given birth to a vast criminal system.

Provides a look into the photo album of SS officer Karl Höcker, the adjutant to the commandant at Auschwitz. Taken between May and December 1944, the chilling photos capture life at the concentration camp for Nazi officers and staff: relaxing on the terrace, eating blueberries, stopped mid-singalong by a sudden downpour.


2008x16 Smarter Than an Ape

2008x16 Smarter Than an Ape

  • 2008-05-02T01:00:00Z45m

They’re our closest cousins in the natural world, with DNA that has been found to be a remarkable 98.4% identical to our own - but are apes really so similar to human beings?

This film sets out to answer this question by demonstrating how much apes can do and how much they can’t. When put to the test just how big a difference does 1.6% variation in DNA make?

An amazing tournament of animal survival at a South African watering hole is captured on a vacation video. Enlisting the help of wildlife experts, National Geographic deconstructs this battle


2008x18 Big Game Diaries

2008x18 Big Game Diaries

  • 2008-05-25T01:00:00Z45m

In the vast expanse of South Africa’s Mala Mala game reserve, a host of Africa’s largest and fiercest wildlife species compete for food, mates and territory against the backdrop of a harsh dry season. Track the interconnecting lives of this wild community, locked in a never-ending battle to stay alive. At the heart of it all is a pride of lions. Challenged from all sides by other big characters in the area, relationships constantly take unexpected turns. Shera is the matriarch of the Mala Mala pride, who struggles to rear her cubs in the face of attack from rival males. She is also a successful hunter and leads her pride into the thick of the resident 500-strong buffalo herd. The buffalo are weak and thin at this time of year, strained by the heat, the lack of lush grazing and their daily pilgrimage to the ever-shrinking Sand River. Shera’s younger sister doesn’t have young of her own. She is a valuable babysitter when the pride sets out to hunt and the cubs need her, for there are many enemies in this neighbourhood


2008x19 Stonehenge Decoded

2008x19 Stonehenge Decoded

  • 2008-05-29T01:00:00Z45m

For 5,000 years, the purpose of this monument has remained a mystery, but archaeologists have uncovered a theory to explain this architectural riddle


2008x20 Ten Days to Victory

2008x20 Ten Days to Victory

  • 2008-06-11T01:00:00Z45m

Ten extraordinary days, ten ordinary characters, ten overlapping stories - coming from all points of the compass - bearing down to the same moment: the end of the biggest war the world has ever known. Combining large-scale reconstructions with traditional documentary storytelling, Ten Days to Victory evokes the climactic last moments of the Second World War. The program interweaves the stories of ten very different people caught up in the liberation of Europe from the grip of Nazi terror. Their diaries, letters and interviews provide a unique insight into the dramatic events of some of the most gripping and terrifying days in history. For these individuals, as for millions of others, the German surrender on 8th May 1945 marks the end of everything that has consumed their lives for six long years.

2008x21 Titanic's Nuclear Secret

  • 2008-07-08T01:00:00Z45m

The nuclear trail to Titanic and the intact treasures of the Black Sea. It was the greatest nautical mystery of the 20th Century: the final resting place of Titanic.

“They told us, ‘In 30 days, half of you will be dead',” recalls one veteran in this sombre account of the bloody, ferociously fought D-Day battle, which claimed the lives of at least 2,000 US infantrymen in one day.


2008x23 The Bandits of Selous

2008x23 The Bandits of Selous

  • 2008-07-20T01:00:00Z45m

Tucked in the Selous game reserve in Tanzania there are hunters, big and small. Here a brave bunch of Banded Mongooses fight to survive amidst an army of killers. They're bigger, faster, smarter, and braver than their Meerkat cousins, but a tough year lies ahead. Follow the mongoose pack as they are tested to the limit, living under constant threat from predators and the harsh African weather. Ela, the leader of the Magwa clan must work hard to raise her family here. It's time to meet the bandits of Selous.


2008x24 Sharkville

2008x24 Sharkville

  • 2008-07-26T01:00:00Z45m

While on a study in Sharkville, a shark-infested area off Africa's coast, shark expert Ryan Johnson made the discovery of a lifetime, great whites hunting at night. For the first time on film, witness this remarkable sight.


2008x25 Inside The Koran

2008x25 Inside The Koran

  • 2008-08-06T01:00:00Z45m

Over the past few decades, the Middle East has been an epicenter of political and violent turmoil, often with religious conflict at its core. An understanding of the Muslim faith and its most sacred text is very important. NGC presents Inside the Koran, a journey into the heart of the Islamic world to better understand this complex and seemingly contradictory spiritual guide, including the messages that some perceive as justification for the violent conflict and suicide bombings.


2008x26 Science of Steroids

2008x26 Science of Steroids

  • 2008-08-22T01:00:00Z45m

It is one of the most controversial issues of our day, jeopardizing the health and smearing the reputations of Olympians, professional sports players and even high school athletes. The government has declared them illegal without a prescription, athletes call them unfair, and some doctors say they are potentially deadly. What are the real dangers of these drugs? We've seen what's happening outside the body; now NGC reveals what's happening inside the body, in the Science of Steroids.


2008x27 Inside the Real NCIS

2008x27 Inside the Real NCIS

  • 2008-08-27T01:00:00Z45m

They solve murders, catch spies, and prevent terrorist attacks. They are one of the most revered law enforcement agencies on the planet, and one of the least understood until now. Go behind-the-scenes with the federal agents of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). With re-enactments, on-location footage and interviews with agents, re-examine the agency's most challenging case - the bombing of the USS Cole - and see how the NCIS is staying one step ahead of the terrorists.


2008x28 Shark Pit Mystery

2008x28 Shark Pit Mystery

  • 2008-09-07T01:00:00Z45m

The discovery of what native Mauritian diver and keen naturalist Hugues Vitry calls “shark pits” is the origin of unanswered questions about the unusual behaviour of sharks in underground caves off the coast of Mauritius. Why do dozens of sharks aggregate in these pits? Why do they act so strangely while there? In a bid to answer these questions, Hugues teams up with shark scientist Ryan Johnson, to enter the underwater world of Mauritius and explore the mysteries of the “Shark Pits”.

The stress response: in the beginning it saved our lives, making us run from predators and enabling us to take down prey. Today, human beings are turning on the same life-saving physical reaction to cope with 30-year mortgages, $4 a gallon gasoline, final exams, difficult bosses and even traffic jams — we can't seem to turn it off. So, we're constantly marinating in corrosive hormones triggered by the stress response.

Now, scientists are showing just how measurable — and dangerous — prolonged exposure to stress can be. Stanford University neurobiologist, MacArthur "genius" grant recipient, and renowned author Robert Sapolsky reveals new answers to why and how chronic stress is threatening our lives in Killer Stress, a National Geographic Special. The hour-long co-production of National Geographic Television and Stanford University was produced exclusively for public television.

In this revelatory film, discoveries occur in an extraordinary range of places, from baboon troops on the plains of East Africa to the office cubes of government bureaucrats in London to neuroscience labs at the nation's leading research universities. Groundbreaking research reveals surprising facts about the impact of stress on our bodies: how it can shrink our brains, add fat to our bellies and even unravel our chromosomes. Understanding how stress works can help us figure out ways to combat it and mitigate negative impacts on our health.

For over three decades, Robert Sapolsky has been working to advance our understanding of stress — in particular how our social standing (our place in various hierarchies) can make us more or less susceptible to the damaging effects of stress. Throughout the film, he weaves the grim realities of the impact of chronic stress with his wry observations about 21st century life.

"The reality is I am unbelievably stressed and Type A and poorly coping," says Sapolsky. "Why else would I study this stuff 80 hours a week? No doubt everything I adv


2008x30 Flight of the Jetman

2008x30 Flight of the Jetman

  • 2008-09-27T01:00:00Z45m

Swiss adventurer Yves Rossy will risk everything to be the first to fly across the English Channel using a single, jet-propelled wing attached to his back.

Take an extraordinary journey with one of nature's majestic giants of the sea - the humpback whale. Humpbacks from Fire to Ice follows a mother and her calf on their perilous 12 month journey across the Pacific Ocean from Hawaii to Alaska and back again. During this 12 month journey, the calf learns the way of the whales and how to survive in an underwater world ruled by cunning and ruthless predators.

2008x32 Unlocking The Great Pyramid

  • 2008-11-15T02:00:00Z45m

The Great Pyramid at Giza is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the World still standing and no one knows how it was built. For centuries archaeologists have been trying to figure out how ancient Egyptians moved huge stones to the top of the Pyramid


2008x33 Herod's Lost Tomb

2008x33 Herod's Lost Tomb

  • 2008-11-24T02:00:00Z45m

Herod's bloody reputation has always hidden another side of one of the Bible's greatest villains - an architectural mastermind of breathtaking proportions. An Israeli archaeologist claims to have found Herod's most intimate creation of all - his tomb.


2008x34 Crystal Skull Legend

2008x34 Crystal Skull Legend

  • 2008-11-24T02:00:00Z45m

The ultimate story of lost civilisations and mysterious relics and the main storyline of the long-awaited 2008 film Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull – the crystal skulls are one of the most enduring treasure myths of all time. Now for the first time, we reveal the full story in this definitive documentary with new, cutting edge science and historical detective work shedding fresh light on this alluring legend.

In one single, epic camera move we journey from Earths surface to the outermost reaches of the universe on a grand tour of the cosmos, to explore newborn stars, distant planets, black holes and beyond.


2008x36 21st Century Shark

2008x36 21st Century Shark

  • 2008-12-31T02:00:00Z45m

Mysterious in its movements, ferocious and feared, the Tiger Shark is a highly-adaptable hunter, swallowing up anything in its way. Sharks are suffering from human environmental pressures, so do these secretive monsters still deserve their killer reputation? Can these prehistoric predators fight to find their way in the 21st century? Examine the conservation and research efforts in South Africa, Hawaii and tiny Bimini Island that allow humans and sharks to coexist in the 21st century.

2008x37 Shipwreck: Captain Kidd

  • 2008-11-19T02:00:00Z45m

The 17th-century privateer, Captain William Kidd captured the Quedagh Merchant ship loaded with gold, silver, and other valuables from the East Indies. After learning that he was a wanted man, Kidd secretly abandoned the ship. Its location followed Kidd to the grave when he was executed for piracy and murder. Resting in the crystal-clear Caribbean for more than 300 years, the Quedagh Merchant was recently discovered just 70 feet off the coast of Catalina Island in the Dominican Republic. Join a team of underwater archaeologists as they uncover its precious cargo. Using the data collected and vivid computer-generated imagery, National Geographic has re-created the ship in all its glory, pitting the historical record against the actual archaeological evidence.

2008x38 Ghosts of the Black Sea

  • 2008-06-09T01:00:00Z45m

In the depths of the Black Sea lies a landscape of eternal darkness. With no light and no oxygen in the sea's anoxic layer, no life can survive, except perhaps the ghosts of ancient mariners whose ships foundered thousands of years ago.
Because the environment cannot support the organisms that typically feast on organic materials, such as wood and flesh, there is an extraordinary opportunity for preservation, including shipwrecks and the cargos they carried.
In the year 2000, on his third trip to the Black Sea, explorer Dr. Robert Ballard discovered a miraculously well-preserved Byzantine shipwreck, but his team could only take pictures. Now, Ballard returns with archaeologist Dr. Bridget Buxton and Dr. Sergiy Voronov of the Ukrainian Department of Underwater Heritage, and uses state-of-the-art technology and a revolutionary $1.5 million robot known as "Hercules" to excavate two shipwrecks for the first time ever, including one of the most pristine ancient vessels ever found. In 2006, Ballard and the team returned to survey the area for more shipwrecks, and last year began excavations on Sinop D, and Chersonesos A, a 10th-century shipwreck found off southern Crimea at a depth of 135 meters.
At Chersonesos A, the team excavated the ship's cargo of nearly 200 jars commonly found at Byzantine sites on the shores of the Black Sea, including Chersonesos. The bright orange color of the nearly 1,000-year-old jars was completely preserved, to the team's amazement.
From there, the team sailed to the deeper site, Sinop D, which was the focus of the 2007 survey. The team hoped to answer questions about the ship's construction, its cargo, and how the anoxic conditions had affected its preservation.
Ballard and his team have only two weeks, so they must work in perfect precision on their hunt for the Ghost Ships of the Black Sea. Ballard calls this site "the greatest museum on Earth," but his team of marine archaeologists has only begun to scratch the surface of the Black S

2008x39 The Explorers: Paul Sereno

  • 2008-02-01T02:00:00Z45m

'Afghanistan: Hidden Treasures' is an extraordinary story of Afghanistan's significant role in the ancient history of the Silk Road, and of the heroic Afghans who safeguarded their cultural legacy from war and chaos during the last couple of decades.


2008x41 Birth of Civilization

2008x41 Birth of Civilization

  • 2008-06-25T01:00:00Z45m

With the help of state of the art special effects, this National Geographic documentary attempts to recreate what civilization looked like during the first 8,000 years that human beings lived on Earth.


2008x42 Guns in America

2008x42 Guns in America

  • 2008-02-12T02:00:00Z45m

300 million citizens, 270 million guns, 5 stories, and one thing in common: Gun Nation. National Geographic tells the story of America's connection with guns through the eyes of its citizens. From gangs, to local law enforcement, to gun hobbyists to a young mother: this documentary is explores the lives of people with guns.

Provides a look into the photo album of SS officer Karl Höcker, the adjutant to the commandant at Auschwitz. Taken between May and December 1944, the chilling photos capture life at the concentration camp for Nazi officers and staff: relaxing on the terrace, eating blueberries, stopped mid-singalong by a sudden downpour.

The nuclear trail to Titanic and the intact treasures of the Black Sea. It was the greatest nautical mystery of the 20th Century: the final resting place of Titanic.
