Finally a good episode where they simply solve a case without any bullshit drama added in by some useless Hollywood writer hack.

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I really enjoyed this episode for the most part, and by the end the ability to hack all the things could even be attributed to a person who might actually have that skill. This part irked me because a pilot like that would never have these skills.

But even with that plot element explained, I can't get over the fact that the cheap a$$ car that was involved in the crash was never in a million years modern enough to remote-control (not) using its brakes, gas, and steering.

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The episode was just slightly better than good but not great. Despite the triple plot twists that, for once, were actually not telegraphed 10 minutes before they occurred, the failures of logic observed in the actions of just about everyone on the carrier side of this Shakespearean tragedy border just this side of comical. Add to that an unlikably smug perp, a pointless cameo by an ageing "Bobby Ewing" (Patrick Duffy) and poor McGee being guilted into a procedure that should be a MUTUAL decision (it ain't mutual if one party refuses), then, in spite on the "happy" outcome, (never mind the 80 MILLION dollar plus bill to the taxpayers) this one just left a crappy aftertaste in my noggin'. Hell I thought Gibbs was gonna offer her a gig at NCIS if the Navy decided (which they should) to show the the proverbial door...

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