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neXt 2020


Shout by Schmoogie
BlockedParent2020-12-08T21:19:12Z— updated 2021-01-01T20:53:10Z

sigh Yet another good show canceled. This one didn't even get to finish out its entire first season. Not sure if, when or where I'll be able to find the final 4 episodes of season 1 as only 6 have been made available so far.

This was a bit of a mash-up of "Wisdom of the Crowd" and "Person of Interest". But it was still enjoyable. I would have loved to have gone along for the ride to see where it would take us.

Got to see the remaining episodes of season 1. Very glad they released them. It wrapped up the storyline very nicely, but also left it open for the story to continue - which we already know it will not.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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It's been confirmed - no Season 2

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Typical "scifi" for the unwashed masses who have a grand total of zero understanding of how anything electronic works. Quite literally not a single technical thing about the show makes any sense and anyone with even a modest understanding will notice it. Other than that, the show is just plain extremely predictable.

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I see what they were trying to do and they had the budget to do it but Person of Interest already did it better 9 years ago.

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The computer can do ANYTHING! We better run!

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Run of the mill consumer level rogue AI story

It's good to see stories like this, but neXt really suffers from not having a strong technical consultant, and so is peppered with really stupid things

This had the potential to the much needed update to Person of Interest. But it definitely isn't. If you need some brain dead rogue AI sci fi, this is fine. But if you are looking for thoughtful, thought provoking action scifi, then this isn't for you

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-1 for senseless last episode of first season.

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Imagine '24' - now imagine they take out Jack Bauer and the central plot. The whole show feels like background characters doing their pointless A->B busy work.

The premise isn't wholly original, but what makes the show so weak is there is ONLY premise in the pilot. After the pilot you know everything about the 'world' the show is set in, and then it's just 10 episodes of running from A to B to find out they needed to be at C, C becomes next week's A, repeat.

The only reason this isn't a 3/10 show is John Slattery's nuanced performance. He's as watchable here as he was in Mad Men.

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I m not sure why this was cancelled for a season 2
honestly this serie bring to my attention and should bring to everyone attention what dangerous could a I.A. bring to us in future. Probably no in next 20 years but after i do believe we might achieve more inteligent IA
Starting by now we seen cars driving themselves, future isnt far

the history on this one was surprising, i didnt expected. more or less the pace of each episode was ok
even if we didnt go to deep in each characters, we had a little overview in most of them

If you enjoyed Person of Interest, you will enjoy this. one season only so in one weekend you see all.

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Started out interesting, got a bit boring in the middle, and ended with a weak whimper.

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The end was exactly like I thought and wanted

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This is garbage TV. Now I know why it wasn’t renewed. It had potential but the creators took it downhill after the pilot episode. This should go on your “it’s COVID & I’ve run out of things to watch so even garbage TV will keep me from going insane” queue.

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It’s not a new concept, but it got off to a good start, but then it became very predictable.

It’s still watchable, if you’re stuck for something to watch, just don’t expect to be wowed.

The main Male character, the tech billionaire, gave an excellent performance and was really the only thing holding the show together and made it interesting to watch.

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Having the watched the first 3 episodes this show has a promising start having really picked up in episode 2/3. A pretty standard rogue AI plot at the heart and a typical FBI teamup style show but good characters, on point tech and some interesting concepts. If the stories are kept fresh this has the potential to be very enjoyable on the whole. Gave me a little bit of a person of interest vibe which is a show I loved plus John Slattery plays the crazy tech billionaire very well. Worth a watch!

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Watchable but would be surprised if this gets picked up for another season.

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So I just watched the first episode. So far so watchable. Not entirely sure if this is going to get good or end up meh. I'm a sucker of the concept though... out of control AI. That part is right up my street. Going to watch some more as it has me intrigued. Too early to call though. I'm intrigued.

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