I thought the pilot episode was slow, but I’m now fully invested. I’m mulling over a theory that the Wraith (and Christmasland) aren’t real but rather are manifested by Bing: Bing is a Strong Creative and the Wraith is his Inscape just as the bridge is the Brat’s or the tiles are whatshername’s. The gift comes with an associated cost (eye pain, a stutter, or, for Bing, being slow). Bing’s traumas were Christmas-related - the gas mask incident with his abusive father on Christmas
Morning, and later killing his father while hanging Christmas lights. The wraith rescues abused children and takes them away to a magical christmasland - something a young strong creative Bing might fantasize about. There are a lot of problems with this theory, but I’m curious to see if the show takes the story in that direction at all.

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This was the episode I realised this series really means something. In this episode you will come across many shocking truths and realise what it is about and means. The best part is the makeup and acting of the main villian, you will notice when you will see it.

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I forgot how much of a show stealer Zachery Quinto as a villain could be. Heroes for example, not the Hitman movie with him lol.

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Started off iffy but episode 4 is when shit gets real.
What is Manx turning these kids into? Vampires? Gremlins?

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The story continues to move along at an entertaining and brisk pace, making things interesting in all sorts of ways, including some sick and twisted ones. That convenience store scene, for example...

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Fuuudge. Shit just got real.

*had mouth agape for literally 60 seconds after realizing where one scene was going*

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Why is it that the father is the only one with a Boston accent, a fake one at that?

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