One Piece: Season, Arc & Saga Combos

Dressrosa Arc 2014 - 2016

  • 2014-01-19T00:30:00Z on Fuji TV
  • 24m
  • 2 days, 48 mins (122 episodes)
  • Japan
  • Japanese
  • Comedy, Action, Adventure, Anime
Season, Arc & Saga Combos

122 episodes

The world is in shock from Doflamingo's sudden resignation from the Seven Warlords. In the midst of all this, Law gives him information about the location and conditions for handing over Caesar, but hides his true intent - to destroy the SMILE manufactory. As the rendez-vous draws near, Doflamingo summons his executives and sets his own plan into motion!

Dressrosa! Luffy and the Straw Hats divide into teams and set about their business on this passionate, enchanting island! But here, in the heart of enemy territory, danger lurks around every corner. Luffy and the others encounter a mysterious blind man whose luck has just run out...

Out and about in Dressrosa, Luffy and his team encounter a mysterious and powerful blind gambler - and run into trouble while his shocking powers distract everyone! Meanwhile, a major event in the Colosseum draws huge crowds, all eager to see the amazing prize Doflamingo has for his champion!

Zoro, Sanji, and Kin'emon strike off in search of the thieving fairy who has taken Zoro's sword, but Sanji finds himself mesmerized by the beautiful dancing of a gorgeous Dressrosa woman - with a deadly secret! Meanwhile, the prize of a Devil Fruit derived from Ace's powers draws Luffy and Franky to the Colosseum, but if they want to win the prize, they'll have to face some of Dressrosa's most powerful villains!

Luffy enters the Corrida Colosseum in order to compete for Ace's Flare-Flare Fruit! But with the mightiest warriors of the New World assembled and standing in his way, the competition will not be easy. The first stage of the competition is a battle royal - a free-for-all in which only the mightiest left standing will pass on to the next stage!

While the deadly battle of Block A winds down, all the onlookers in the stadium are shocked to discover the secret identity of the winner! Meanwhile, Luffy's cover may be blown as another voice from the past returns; and we find out that the secret plot of the Straw Hats might not be the only covert action taking place in Dressrosa!

Luffy meets an unexpected acquaintance from the past, Bellamy, who seems to be up to no good! Meanwhile, Caesar Handover Team encounters a snag when they learn just how dangerous Green Bit is! Meanwhile, on the Sunny, the four who remained to watch the ship get a fright as they discover - they aren't alone!

The battle heats up and the widely despised Bartolomeo takes the ring! But he'll have to contend with both the Prodence Kingdom contingent, and Dressrosa's own local favorite, Bellamy! Meanwhile, watching the battle for Block B from up above, Luffy risks having his cover blown!

Don Chinjao continues to provoke Luffy, hoping to gain revenge against the grandson of his sworn enemy, Garp! But as the argument continues, Luffy risks having his cover blown, and his identity revealed! Meanwhile, the battle in Block B rages as mighty competitors - some favorites of the Colosseum, and other faceless unknowns rising through the ranks - continue to clamor for the chance to move on to the next round!

The battle for Block B hits a crescendo as King Elizabello II prepares his devastating King Punch! But as the powerful attack becomes imminent, the Prodence Kingdom faction unravels! All that may be pointless, though, as the king's powerful attack will take out all the competitors - or will it?

As the handover team approaches Green Bit, they are attacked by the fearsome fish that live off the coast of Dressrosa. But that's the least of their problems as they find the bridge to Green Bit has collapsed! As they gather their wits and plan to cross, they find out that something is living on the island - they're not alone!

Zoro tracks the thief who stole his sword - and learns about a danger facing the Straw Hats! Meanwhile, Law, Usopp, and the others arrive at Green Bit only to find it inhabited by strange creatures, and swarming with the Navy soldiers! All this while Sanji learns the mysterious identity of Violet, and realizes he's in deeper trouble than he knew!

All but done for, Sanji is trapped by Violet and her crew when she suddenly changes her mind and mysteriously turns on her own men! Meanwhile, Robin and Usopp come face to face with the Little People known as the Tontatta Tribe and find themselves mesmerized -- and Robin awakens to find herself pinned to ground!

Sanji gets in touch with Law in order to share a shocking secret - that could unsettle the Straw Hats’ plans in Dressrosa for good! Meanwhile, Luffy's Block C battle begins, but will his Gum-Gum powers give him away?

Sanji and Franky try to regroup after Doflamingo's betrayal, hoping that destroying the factory is not yet out of their grasp. Meanwhile Luffy makes a friend in the Colosseum and Usopp ends up thrust into an uncomfortable position!

The Sunny is mysteriously deformed by the bizarre powers of Giolla! Can Nami, Chopper, and Brook act in time to save their beloved home? Meanwhile, the battle for Block C continues as Luffy suffers a staggering setback, and the Don Quixote Family's plans for dealing with Luffy are revealed!

After knocking down the Giant, Hajrudin, as payback for what he did to Ucy, Luffy has to deal with Ideo, whose punch has the destructive force of a bomb, while the Funk Brothers show off their bizarre fighting technique and Don Chinjao sets his sights on Luffy!

Nami, Chopper, and Brooke keep trying to evade Jora and win back the Sunny even though it's been turned into a piece of art! In the Colosseum, Don Chin Jao finally faces Luffy - whose power will prove greater?

Luffy stands along against Don Chinjao, and learns about the old grudge he bears against Garp! Meanwhile, Usopp and Robin get swept up in the Tontatta Kingdom's raid against the royal family, and Franky learns the eerie secret of Dressrosa - the land of living toys!

The Tontatta Kingdom gears up for its all-out assault on the Doflamingo Family, as Usopp and Robin are caught up in the war effort! Meanwhile, Franky arrives the headquarters of the toy movement where he finds Zoro, Nami and the others are cornered by Jora as the Transponder Snail starts to ring, and Luffy continues his fight to the death with Don Chinjao!

Don Chin Jao's hatred of Garp and Luffy is finally explained, while his battle against Luffy comes to an end. With tremendous power, one of them is squarely eliminated! But is that really the end of the Colosseum battle?

With the battle with Don Chinjao long behind him, Luffy advances to the final round! Block-D contender Cavendish, however, takes the chance and pounces on Luffy, who is defended by an unlikely ally! Meanwhile, the agenda of Colosseum gladiator Rebecca is exposed, and a voice from the past unsettles Luffy and sends him into a rage!

Rebecca's deep bonds with the one-legged toy soldier are revealed! Her lineage can be traced to the previous ruler of Dressrosa - and her eternal bond with the damaged toy is linked to the violent overthrow of that regime by none other than Doflamingo!

As Rebecca enters the ring for the battle for Block D, the crowd shows its contempt for her heritage - only to be scolded by an unlikely supporter. Meanwhile, the other Straw Hats start to reassemble to deal with the attack on the Sunny, while also getting swept up in the Tontatta Kingdom's assault on Dressrosa!

Doflamingo recounts for Law the surprising history of the Don Quixote Family, while Nami and the others battle the insane and powerful artist, Giolla! Her ultimate attack renders them incapacitated, and to their horror, prompts the betrayal of one of their closest allies! Meanwhile, Zoro and Kin'emon stand outside the Colosseum searching for a way in, but an unknown, crying onlooker may hold the key!

Law is pinned by Fujitora, and Doflamingo has the upper hand! Only the most cunning of tricks could save Law's plan to hand Caesar over to Nami and the others! Meanwhile, the Sunny falls into danger again, and the battle for Block D heats up in the Colosseum -- with vicious contenders setting their sights on Rebecca!

Law must put himself in harm's way to defend the Sunny and the Straw Hats from Doflamingo's all-out assault! With barely enough time to save the crew, plans change and send the Sunny on a new mission -- but will it be able to get underway with the full might of Joker and the Navy bearing down?

Law and Doflamingo are embroiled in a heated showdown, which triggers Momonosuke's memories of Doflamingo's cruelty from the first time they met; meanwhile, after a tearful fanboy conversation, Zoro finally gets to see Luffy -- but all eyes are fixed on Rebecca who is squaring off against some heavy hitters in the Colosseum.

Bartolomeo searches the Colosseum for Luffy but stumbles upon the medical center for the losers of the battles in the ring - but is everything at this center as it seems? Meanwhile, Rebecca has to fend off Rolling Logan's vicious bone-crushing grip attack or meet her certain doom!

The losers of the Colosseum battle who are being held below the infirmary have a surprising person in their midst! But do they have a clue as to their terrifying fate? Meanwhile, the Tontatta Kingdom's history is made clear, as is the shocking identity of the toy soldier!

Bartolomeo finally finds Luffy and starts to lead him to Zoro, while the toy soldier begins to tell the heart-breaking story of how Doflamingo cheated the Riku dynasty out of their control of Dressrosa!

As the toy soldier’s story continues, the sad fate of King Riku and his army, and his daughter, Princess Viola, is revealed as well as how the people of Dressrosa fell into the hands of Doflamingo. And all the toys in the country share a mysterious secret as well...

Zoro, Kin'emon, and Luffy are reunited again, but little do they know that their reunion is being monitored by a potential threat! Meanwhile, the battle rages on between Doflamingo and Law -- as these two powerhouses clash, however, the weakness of Law's power has him against the ropes and may be his undoing.

Zoro and Kin'emon make a mad dash to save Law but Navy Admiral Fujitora stands in their way, bringing his full power against them. The Navy is in hot pursuit -- and just when it seems like it couldn't get any worse, a ship approaches with unexpected visitors from the past ...and opens fire on the Sunny!

After revealing the horrible history of Dressrosa, Toy Soldier is now shares their plan to liberate the Tontatta Kingdom and bring down the Doflamingo Family -- Operation SOP. Meanwhile, rushing to find the exit of the Colosseum, Luffy bumps into a heavily-wounded Bellamy and Bartolomeo – and another person who causes Luffy to lose his cool to a flood of emotions.

Usopp and Robin make their way via an underground tunnel dug by the tiny people of the Tontatta Tribe - a tunnel so small in fact, that Franky couldn't fit! Instead, Franky makes his way to the Toy House to find a way in there and hopeful cause a distraction to help his crewmates, but standing in his way is a pretty "hard boiled" guy!

As the contenders for the battle of Block D dwindle to only thirty, Rebecca has her hands full with the menacing Suleiman the Beheader! As he fends off her signature finishing move, the Back-to-the-Water Dance, all hope seems lost that she can take him down and move on to the finals!

The battle for Block D comes to a shocking end and the winner that emerges from the cloud of dust stuns the audience even more! Meanwhile, Luffy, Zoro, Kin’emon, and Wicka of the Tontatta Tribe are about to reach the lift to the palace only to find a mysterious woman was waiting for them - can she be trusted?

Viola, aka Violet, once a great princess of the Dressrosa family, shows Luffy and the others a secret entrance into the palace which avoids the use of the heavily-guarded lift. Meanwhile, in the palace's Suit Chamber, Navy Admiral Fujitora reveals his plans for the Seven Warlords -- a plan so audacious even shocks Doflamingo!

The final round at the Corrida Colosseum finally begins, as Diamante joins the combatants in an all-out struggle to win the Flare-Flare Fruit! But as the stakes escalate, can one champion beat the others and snatch the fruit from the Colosseum's newest hazard? Meanwhile, Luffy, Violet, Zoro, and Kin'emon have made it to the base of the Palace, but a sudden misstep may alert the Doflamingo Family to their presence!

Luffy and his group continue their ascent towards Doflamingo's inner sanctum, but standing in their way is an executive of the family whose power is so strong moving past him seems impossible! Meanwhile, Cavendish learns the dark secrets of Dressrosa personally, and the Tontatta Kingdom warriors along with Usopp and Robin get ready to make their first move!

As Operation SOP finally gets underway but as Leo makes the dash to hide the Tatabasco grape in Sugar's fruit basket, Robin calls for an emergency stop to the plan! Meanwhile, Luffy, Violet, and Zoro are stalled by Pica whose sheer size overwhelms them.

Operation SOP is underway and nearing its final stage! But Trebol proves a far stronger guard for Sugar than was expected, so Robin hatches a plan to lure him away. But is there enough time to execute the plan before the ruse is discovered? Meanwhile, Zoro pits his expert swordsmanship against the indomitable Pica!

The Tontattas are devastated by Trebol’s furious attack, but as Usopp tries to convince Leo to abort the operation, Leo tells him about their commander Toy Soldier’s stunning true identity! Meanwhile, with the help of another Tontatta group, the Toy Soldier finally shakes off Lao G and gets moving again!

Zoro continues his deadly duel with the nearly indestructible Pica! While the Toy Soldier narrowly escapes Lao G only to come face to face with Gladius! Luffy continues his mad dash to the top of the palace to face Doflamingo!

With the Tontattas beaten, Robin turned into a toy, and Luffy, Franky, and the others busy elsewhere, Usopp is the last hope for Operation SOP! But will he be able to muster the confidence and courage to face the terrible Trebol? Among the cries of the Tontattas, Usopp has a difficult decision to make - run and fight another day or face his own doom and challenge Trebol!

Usopp runs into trouble in his battle with Treebol, and flashback sheds light on how a young Kyros made the shocking transition from murderer to one of King Riku's most trusted men.

In the Royal Palace, Viola, Luffy, and the Toy Soldier have hidden themselves outside Doflamingo's chamber, only to have more enemies approach from behind, leaving them surrounded! Meanwhile, Franky is knocked out cold by the Navy, and all hopes rest on Usopp to provide the miracle everyone needs!

Toys all across Dressrosa regain their human form, a flood of forgotten memories return, and Kyros launches a long overdue attack on the villainous tyrant Doflamingo!

Kyros finally taking down Doflamingo leaves Doflamingo’s clan shocked! Meanwhile at the Colosseum, Rebecca gets her memories of her loving father Kyros back, and Sabo makes a move to end the championship battle by blowing up the whole ring! Will he be able to snag the Flare-Flare Fruit?

Luffy hurries to free Law, but with their pirate alliance dissolved, will Law still see Luffy as an ally? Meanwhile, Usopp has convinced his newfound followers to destroy the factory! Doflamingo's defeat has thrown Dressrosa into chaos, but the Young Master may have a trick left up his sleeve...

The mystery of Doflamingo's return from the dead is revealed! But there isn't much time to ponder how it happened, as his plan to silence the country of Dressrosa unfolds, spelling doom for the Straw Hats!

As the people of Dressrosa see their friends and loved ones slaughter each other under the manipulation of Doflamingo, memories of 10 years ago rush back, and the truth of that event becomes clear. Doflamingo announces the rules for his deadly game - targeting Luffy, King Riku, and Law, but with the highest bounty reserved for Usopp!

Doflamingo and Fujitora's agreement to not engage each other lasts for the moment - meaning all eyes are turned towards taking down the Straw Hats and claiming the rewards! And as Luffy starts heading to the Royal Palace along with Zoro and Law, Fujitora stands in his way!

Robin, Usopp, the Tontattas and the others make moves to rejoin Luffy as Doflamingo's deadly game rages on! Meanwhile, Kin'emon makes it to the trash heap in his search for his friend Kanjuro - just as Pica emerges in the town and changes the stakes of the game!

With Luffy and the others recovering from Pica's attack, the game is afoot! Luffy has just enough time to regroup and set out to find Doflamingo, only to find that the dastardly Warlord has more enemies than he might realize! A strange argument breaks out - to decide who gets to take down Doflamingo once and for all!

Don Chin Jao and Elizabello successfully break Pica’s giant arm but the rock giant is unfazed and starts throwing even more destructive punches at Luffy and his band of unwanted collaborators! Meanwhile, Navy Admiral Fujitora moves into action, summoning all the Navy soldiers on the island!

Luffy and Moocy fast approach the showdown with Doflamingo - while the others with a beef against him continue to tag along. Meanwhile, Violet finds the key to Law's handcuffs, and Rebecca pledges to deliver it to him. Finally, Law's reason for despising Doflamingo is revealed!

Luffy makes headway toward Doflamingo's refuge, making his way through Doflamingo's guards, while down below Admiral Fujitora faces off against Sabo, who has the power of the Fire Fist from eating the Flare-Flare Fruit! But with Fujitora's ability to call down a meteor, will Sabo have to power to save himself?

Luffy cuts a lucky break as Kelly Funk shows him a shortcut to the Palace! But all may not be as it seems... Meanwhile, Franky and Zoro are locked in one-on-one duels, while Robin, Rebecca, and Bartolomeo enlist the help of the Tontattas to catch up with Luffy and Law!

Penned in at the bottom of a well, Luffy and Law are caught in a trap! But someone has come to save them who they least expect! Meanwhile, the Tontattas help Franky break in to the SMILE factory, and Bartolomeo resorts to tactics he used in the Colosseum to defend himself and protect Robin and Rebecca!

The Tontattas locate their captive comrades and seem to be able to get the message to them - the prison break is on! Meanwhile, heavy-hitters from the Colosseum turn from wringing each other's necks towards a unified plan, which might just be enough to get Luffy the chance to make it to a final showdown with Doflamingo!

Hidden far underground, Kin'emon finds his old friend Kanjuro, whose powers allow the two to, quickly, but not elegantly, escape to the surface! Meanwhile, Cavendish shares his fears that the "Birdcage" game Doflamingo is playing has been rigged all along - and that the only way to win is to take the Warlord down!

The Tontattas are in full revolt! But can they keep their wits about them long enough to make it out? Meanwhile, Zoro finally gains the upper hand against Pica, and Franky finds a way to deal with Señor Pink.

Franky finally makes it into the factory and the Tontattas are reunited with their captive friends! But Princess Mansherry is nowhere to be found. Factory manager Kuween becomes irate when ignored and launches an attack on Franky while Señor Pink, wise to Frankie's deception, arrives on the scene ready for a manly showdown!

Robin, Rebecca, and Bartolomeo draw closer to the Flower Field on the fourth level of the Royal Palace plateau, but a sudden attack by Gladius' exploding spheres sends Robin and Bartolomeo hurtling towards the level below - and directly into Luffy and the others' battle with the creepy Headcracker Dolls!

Rebecca makes it to the Flower Field alone, but unfortunately finds company there that is less than friendly! Meanwhile, Bartolomeo pushes himself to the limit in order to help Luffy advance, but does he leave himself vulnerable in the process? Meanwhile, Sabo tastes Fujitora's full might!

Diamante has Rebecca pinned and completely overpowered. If only the Soldier-san of her youth were able to protect her! Meanwhile, Luffy and Law finally surmount incredible odds to land themselves in striking distance of Doflamingo -- but Sugar stands in their way!

Usopp uses Viola's Clairvoyance to prepare his ammunition to take Sugar out! But the slightest hesitation now will spell disaster -- and the end of Luffy! Luckily for the Straw Hats, Usopp's ammunition has been specially designed for this specific situation!

The final showdown with Doflamingo begins, but the Warlord still has several tricks up his sleeve - including turning one of Luffy's own friends against him! Meanwhile Franky and Señor Pink are in a standoff to find out who is the coolest.

All hopes rest on Luffy and Law being able to take down Doflamingo; but the Warlord has other plans in mind as he gives the two the fight of their lives, and reveals his true, shocking history! Meanwhile, Sabo finds out Fujitora’s true intention…

With Fujitora's stalemate arousing suspicion in the Navy ranks, Law and Luffy stand seconds away from execution at the hand of Doflamingo! But before he dispatches them both, he shares the secret of his sway over the Celestial Dragons!

The horrible secret of Flevance, the White Town, is revealed, giving clues to Law's traumatic past! A rage born from the lies of the World Government created a child who had the will to kill Corazon!

Law's attack on Corazon looks less successful than he thought! And after he's accepted into the Doflamingo Family, Corazon's mysterious silence hides a fact that may save Law's life - and a hidden danger Law must face in Doflamingo himself!

Things grow stranger for Law as he learns the secret behind why Corazon feigns being mute! But the mysterious Corazon's actions are only beginning to baffle Law as he takes him on a journey to cure his White Lead Disease.

Corazon's double-dealing with the Navy raises suspicions both with Doflamingo and Law. But all that is secondary as Corazon finally has a chance to grab the Op-Op Fruit during a staged handoff arranged by the Government.

The Op-Op Fruit is in Corazon's hands! But the price he paid to get it might be too high... When Law goes for help, unfortunate coincidences intervene and leave the two vulnerable! Meanwhile, Doflamingo and his clan finally land at Minion Island; the location of Corazon and Law!

Doflamingo and his Family begin to zero in on Corazon and Law's whereabouts, but Corazon has a plan to hide Law long enough to let him escape - even if that means sacrificing his own life. However, when things turn sour, it's a chain of lucky coincidences that allows the plan to be set into motion - almost as though someone or something is keeping Law alive!

Violet runs down the status of the open battles raging in Dressrosa - the Straw Hats, the Tontattas, the executives of the Doflamingo Family - all of them clash around the island, but it's Law's revelation to Doflamingo that moves the action forward!

Luffy continues to battle Fake-mingo, but keeps accidentally battling Bellamy instead. Meanwhile the tide of battle turns against Law as painful scars from the past resurface. And Zoro gets unexpected help in his battle with Pica.

Bellamy escapes Doflamingo's control, but it might be too late. His long history with Doflamingo unfolds and leads to an inglorious end. Meanwhile, Hajrudin has been beaten down, but a fire still burns in him to pay back the favor he owes!

Lao G and Don Chinjao duke it out as each brings their most devastating attacks to the battle. But a misunderstanding caused by Baby 5 has Sai and Don Chinjao distracted - are they distracted enough for Lao G to gain the upper hand?

Law is at the whim of Doflamingo and Trebol, while Luffy still has to deal with Bellamy, who fights to keep his honor even after being released by Doflamingo! Meanwhile, Gladius is about to detonate the ground around Cavendish and Bartolomeo!

A mysterious force that resembles Cavendish menaces the battlefield - but while it appears to help Bartolomeo and the others at first, it sets its sights on Robin! Meanwhile, the deeply-wounded Ideo sees Dellinger’s horrible true nature!

Bartolomeo is in a neck-and-neck battle against Gladius to save Robin, and is faced with an impossible dilemma. With all his options leading to their defeat, can his cunning ploy save the day? Meanwhile, Robin is face to face with Cavendish, but his evil aspect Hakuba keeps complicating the situation more!

Princess Mansherry's amazing power - to heal living beings completely - is in the hands of the Donquixote executive. If she is able to heal all the executives who've gone down in battle - the Straw Hats and their allies stand no chance! It's up to Leo to save the day!

Señor Pink and Franky continue their knock-down, drag-out, manly fight. As both of them are pushed to their limits, we learn Señor's tragic past! Meanwhile, Princess Mansherry's rescue hits a snag as she stubbornly refuses to leave!

Franky and Señor Pink end their harrowing duel in a manly way - but victory knocks the wind out of even the winner's sails! Meanwhile, Diamante and Kyros struggle desperately on the Sunflower Field, each demonstrating their extreme prowess even in near defeat!

Kyros, unbowed by Diamante's vicious attacks, fights back with the anger and retribution of all of Dressrosa in order to fulfill his promise to protect Rebecca. If he is successful, only a few executives will remain, setting the stage for the Straw Hats' victory.

Pica loses his temper and turns his full wrath against King Riku, whom he hopes to destroy, ending the revolution against Doflamingo. Meanwhile, Zoro, who has been distracted by Pica and drawn far from the battle, has to hatch a plan to save the king!

With the lives of King Riku, Usopp, and the others on the old King's Plateau in the balance, Zoro must dig deep and discover a powerful technique to counter Pica's near-unstoppable onslaught. Meanwhile, King Riku ponders what it means to be a good king.

Zoro finishes off Pica, and those below his crumbling body rush to find shelter. Meanwhile, the Tontattas finish up demolishing the SMILE Factory, and Luffy's hand is forced in his duel with Bellamy!

Taking down Bellamy only enrages Luffy in his fight against Doflamingo, his anger multiplying when he finds Law's lifeless body! Meanwhile, Doflamingo takes the next step to end the game he started, which will endanger everybody in Dressrosa!

The Birdcage draws tighter and tighter around Dressrosa, threatening to destroy all life on the island kingdom! Meanwhile, Doflamingo stands down Luffy for a final confrontation, but a surprising twist shocks everyone on the top of the Royal Palace!

Law's attack proves powerful - but Doflamingo's power has depths which he and Luffy haven't bargained for. When Doflamingo makes his counterattack, Luffy stares him down with an amazing power.

Trebol's wrath is fully inflamed as Law summons enough energy to speak, denouncing the Doflamingo Family executives as pawns in Doflamingo's game. But Law gathers enough energy to do more than just speak out.

Cavendish has to make a difficult decision when the severely wounded Law begs him to be left behind. Meanwhile, seeing even his Second Gear or Third Gear attacks aren't working against Doflamingo, Luffy decides to use his ultimate technique!

Luffy and Doflamingo duke it out while the Birdcage tightens its grip on Dressrosa! Zoro sets off with a plan to stop it from slicing apart the country, while Luffy's Fourth Gear proves quite potent against Doflamingo!

The Birdcage continues its merciless constriction, sending the residents of Dressrosa fleeing towards the center of the island, while King Riku calls out to his people: Survive long enough for Luffy to vanquish the last of the royal family - Doflamingo himself!

Fourth Gear gives Luffy the power he needs to head off Doflamingo at every strike! But the energy required to keep Fourth Gear going starts to take a toll on Luffy. Will he have enough left to finish the job?

Bounce-man's power has drained Luffy, leaving him in need of a rest before he can reuse his Haki, but luckily the gladiators from the Colosseum have come around and are focusing on taking down Doflamingo! Sabo steps in at a crucial moment to defend his brother, Luffy!

With Luffy and so many of the Straw Hats' allies incapacitated, victory seems inevitable for Doflamingo - but the compassion of Mansherry may be enough to turn the tide and renew their hope - to stop the Birdcage!

With just over a minute to spare, everyone in Dressrosa turns their efforts towards slowing down the Birdcage as it squeezes the life out of the country! Meanwhile, Viola seeks Doflamingo out herself, for a shocking confrontation!

Only a bit more time remains before Luffy returns to the scene! But as time slips by, those who had been roused by Princess Mansherry's powers begin to falter! Meanwhile, Rebecca, under the control of Doflamingo, is about to attack Viola!

Luffy regains enough Haki to face off against Doflamingo, but his health is still poor. With the Birdcage closing in, is there a technique left in his repertoire that is strong enough to take down Doflamingo?

With Doflamingo thoroughly quashed and the Birdcage collapsing, the people of Dressrosa shed tears of joy remembering the hardships they've endured, and the actions taken by Luffy and the others to free them.

Jesus Burgess of the Blackbeard Pirates tries to agitate Sabo, mocking Ace's final words in order to unsettle him enough that he can try to steal the Flare-Flare Fruit! Meanwhile, people of Dressrosa beg King Riku to resume the crown when Navy Admiral Fujitora steps in and takes a stunning action!

Repercussions of Doflamingo's defeat reverberate around the world! Fujitora's actions put the Navy in a tight spot, and the "Worst Generation" begins to stir into action!

The combatants in the battle for Dressrosa can finally begin to recoup, but those who stay awake are treated to the story of how Sabo joined the Revolutionary Army!

Sabo recounts his surprising reunion with Luffy at the Colosseum as the Straw Hats and the others continue to recoup. Meanwhile, Fujitora gambles on how to make his next move - and the odds are in Luffy's favor!

As Sabo departs, our attention shifts to the other Straw Hats waging a fierce battle on a mysterious island. And a new drama is set into motion as ill portents fall from the sky!

As Luffy and the others begin to come to their senses, major players in the Navy arrive to search Dressrosa for the Straw Hats! Also, Rebecca's history is whitewashed with a fake cover story - but why?

Fujitora's flirting with chance has turned out poorly for the Straw Hats as the full Navy force bears down on Dressrosa searching for the pirates! Luffy and the others make a mad dash for the east port to get off the island, but not without finishing up a piece of business...

Rebecca has precious little time to follow Luffy's lead and make it to Kyros. Can she make it in time? Meanwhile, Fujitora is closing in on Bartolomeo and the other Colosseum warriors while Trafalgar Law faces the shadows of his past!

Law and Sengoku share memories of Corazon, and the secret of Trafalgar Law's name. Meanwhile, Fujitora uses the destruction caused by the battle in Dressrosa as a weapon, and squares off one-on-one with Luffy!

The people of Dressrosa show their appreciation to the Straw Hats one last time by foiling Fujitora's strategy. As Luffy and the others are able to finally make their break from the island, however, an unbelievable new chapter opens in the story of the Straw Hat Pirates!

With newfound allies won in the battle at Dressrosa, and as the Navy watches, Luffy and the Straw Hats depart Dressrosa for open water. But will Luffy accept the oath of allegiance given by his new fleet?

While the Straw Hats are underway, Doflamingo has serious predictions for the upset of the world order! Meanwhile, the recent actions in Dressrosa have led to surprising results!

While heading to the next island, Zou, Luffy’s appetite causes them trouble and he and Bartolomeo find themselves entangled in the scheme of a pirate lord who can manipulate silver.

The Tram-Man arrives! And has Luffy, Bartolomeo and Desire on the run! The deeper the three fall into the pit, however, the more clear it becomes that Bill's group hides a terrible secret!

Inside the underground mines, Luffy and Bartolomeo are attacked by the Rail Car Man Avelon. Desire is attacked as well, which shocks her, as Bill had rescued her crew after it was destroyed. The three are then sent plummeting further underground, where they discover members of the Silver Pirate Alliance who are enslaved as miners due to not pleasing Bill. Bartolomeo manages to free his hands, and Avelon returns, unwittingly freeing Luffy from his silver ball with an attack. Luffy and Bartolomeo then work together to defeat Avelon, and upon hearing about this, Bill orders the underground mine to be buried.

Luffy, Desire, and Bartolomeo go up against Bill! But the mad, Smelt-Smelt man becomes deranged and lets his true power unfurl! Do Luffy and the others have any hope of exposing Bill's self-serving aims and turning his gang against him?
