With the last two episodes being almost bad, I thought the finale would follow in the same path, but God was I wrong. Twist after twist, I'm still shocked.

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Oh my good, what an amazing season finale! I didn’t see it coming to be honest…the slow motion scene was hilarious!! I love th originality of this show and the sillines on it, but I love too that they can go into more deeper stuff without problems…I hope we get a season 3!!!

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Shout by noelct

An absolutely perfect madcap way to end the season. The multiple twists and turns and psychouts. The big reveal. The second big reveal. The slowmo and tomatoes. Getting all the neighbors together. And then the marvelous teaser for season 3!

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Damn, after a very mediocre season, they pulled out all the stops. Very good finale.

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perfect score because i guessed the murderer since early eps... on the real, a fun finale and can't wait for next season

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Fantastic end to a fantastic season. The slowmo scene with the tomato was sooo silly! I loved it!

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This show just works for me in every single aspect. I love the actors, I love the wit, I love the scenarios and the red herrings. I was worried Season 2 couldn't recapture the magic of that amazing Season 1, but here I write after an even better Season 2 finale. Wow. This was so good. Season 3 will be interesting how it plays out but I'm all aboard.

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An absolutely brilliant episode. They sure did fool me a couple of times this season, including during this very episode.

I was almost crying with laughter during the slow mo/tomato cutting scene. What a classic :rofl:

Love this show to bits. Hope it keeps on going for many more years!

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Does this mean that Paul Rudd isn't actually a vampire, just a time traveler?

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Loved that killer reveal party.

But I did really like Poppy, sad to see her go ;3;

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The finale can make a or break the season but this one was so great like all the dots connect so perfectly, that you can't help but love it even more omg!

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Laughed, wiggled & writhed at so many inflection points -- really satisfying and fun episode!

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Fantastic finale to another great season. To think I stopped watching after the first two episodes of season 2. Glad I gave it a second chance and realized I was so wrong! This show is fun, smart, cute and sometimes even shocking. The theme song works so well for so many scenes and the cast is just wonderful.

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There are so many small things that I enjoyed about this episode, from the double extendre of killer party reveal to Howard fainting multiple times to everyone moving and talking in slow motion to unnerve Cinda. Such fun!

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Another fantastic season. Hello? Uh... What are you Waiting for? Do yourself a favor and watch this show!

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The overall big mystery plot this season is a stepdown, but so many fun characters and world-building details throughout that I still enjoy it a lot. Big LOL at that slow-motion gag, in part because how it just keeps continuing with then the whole room joining in.

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Some plot twist but unluckily most of the season was quite weak: too many storylines, confusion, Oliver was given too much space and made a caricature..
Weak season, I'm hoping they get it more character-driven for the next one, giving it more space, more Arconia feeling, more silences.

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Brilliant finale. Can't wait for season 3!

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Noooooo, not the man that never ages!

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Holy shit, this was amazing! Still wish they wouldn't have cast Amy Schumer since she really disrupted the whole vibe of the show and I kinda could have done without the whole Oliver/William thing But the endingggg, I'm so ready for season 3

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Some good switcheroo moments and reveals but overall the season was lacklustre. Would have been tighter to wrap it up as this IP will get tired very fast with another season.

Also I won't pretend to know tonnes about Broadway but why was Charles in the show? We just saw his TV acting career take off again, why would he suddenly switch to theatre? Seems a bit of a wishy washy approach to involve the gang in a murder again.

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This season is a sophomore slump.

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Loved this! The only thing I would change is that I feel there were too many storylines, or maybe not really but I disliked the backstory of the painting with charles’ dad, that was an unnecessary bunch.
Also of course amy schumer was a total NO, it could’ve literally been any other celebrity in the whole planet.
Cara’s storyline never tied up to the main storyline.
And maybe teddy being oliver’s son’s real father wasn’t necessary, I would’ve preferred the focus on teddy’s relationship w his own kid.

But yeah overall great and fun, can’t wait for next season!

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Loved it! But did they just forget about Amy Schumer? Not that I'm complaining...

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looking at all the positive reviews of this episode leads me to ask.

Are we watching the same show?

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Shout by Deleted

Holy shit, that was so amazingly boring, in an amazingly omg mediocre show.

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I picked the killer at the very start of this episode. They gave it away pretty clearly, so I knew the whole reveal at the end was an elaborate act that the other suspects were in on. Would have been fun if they didn’t make it so obviously who it was early this ep.

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Epic finale. Just loved every bit of it. An excellent closer to an excellent season!
What a show!

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