Best episode of the season so far. The show was dragging and seem to lose it's purpose and intent, MURDER! Looks like it is back on track. :thumbsup_tone1:

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Shout by vanesa
BlockedParent2023-09-21T22:33:20Z— updated 2024-01-25T16:19:13Z

To the person whose idea it was to make S3 musical themed; I want to kiss you because watching Steve Martin and Meryl Streep sing and perform their hearts out is such a delight!

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This season has some fun here and there, but overall it has felt too listless to me... until this week's ep, which is the first one (8 eps in!) that feels like season 1-2 level of creative energy again. The three working together finally being the main part of it, but also returning character that don't miss a beat interacting with our main trio and new ones, some actual plot-advancing reveals (one right in the beginning!), two great musical turns from Martin and again Streep, and a damn good cliffhanger. Hope the final two weeks keep this momentum up.

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"Who goes there?"
"NYPD, motherfuckers!"

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In an extremely dry season that I haven't been that excited to watch as the weeks go on this episode completely turns it on its head. Really integrates the theatre and murder investigation perfectly which has not happened at all this season and suddenly I am excited for next week because of that ending. Meryl Streep is just bloody brilliant!

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This is the best episode of the season so far, and the return of the awesome detective is just the cherry on top of the sundae. Good stuff all around.

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Yes detective williams is back!
Great episode

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Welcome back Detective much needed comic relief

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I guess I'm the only one who didn't enjoy this episode. Maybe because I don't like theater. I thought the detective scenes were unfunny.

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This episode sings! I would watch that musical.

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