I'm watching this show for the second time, and I forgot how hard Arthur has it throughout the seasons.

"For those of us who feel each blow more completely, shall never truly be at peace."

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What's with the modern music blaring away in the episode? Really ruins the mood of the show.

He falls for her...yawn.

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this ep took a very surprising turn, whoa!

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The inspector is in love with Grace. That’s just random nonsense writer put in. Did they run out of stuff to write. What a cop out for a story line. This show took a nose dive with that single stupid twist.

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I loved, loved, loved the final scene between the brothers. Arthur can be such a fuckup but he's so sympathetic. You can't help but feel bad for him and I'm glad his attempt failed. And Tommy smiling always feels very out of character. LMAO it's so jarring.

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