Que final triste, creo que va a ir en busca de venganza conociéndolo.

What a sad ending, I think he will go in search of revenge knowing him

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lizzie is giving me the carmela soprano vibes, and i am here for it

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To be honest, I really like this season, previous seasons have risen and now everything is falling apart. Tommy losing everybody and everything. Sometimes they overdo it with music and fillers but overall it is good.

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Sinead killed it:

In this heart lies for you
A lark born only for you
Who sings only to you
My love
My love
My love
I am waiting for you
For only to adore you
My heart is for you
My love
My love
My love
This is my grief for you
For only the loss of you
The hurting of you
My love
My love
My love
There are rays on the weather
Soon these tears will have cried
All loneliness have died
My love
My love
My love
I will have you with me
In my arms only
For you are only
My love
My love
My love

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Them mentioning Stechford and St. Thomas's earned them an extra couple of points from me in this one ;-)

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Well that was a pretty boring episode,and with only six episodes in a season it was a bit of a waste.

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I don't know how to feel about this one. They overdid the songs for sure in this episode. The first one was beautiful, but the rest unnecessary too put it mildly. It was a slow burn, but I don't mind that normally. The far two obvious foreshadow that a bad illness was coming disappointed me the most. It's a card that has been played a lot of time and I'm very curious if it will impact this last season in a negative way. I still very much enjoyed the performances, but I hope we steer away from the Shelby children story from now.

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Idk who thought it was a good idea to basically make three out of six episodes of the final season center around tommy's kid who we barely know but it wasn't a good idea. I'm also not optimistic about them wrapping this up in a satisfying manner with only two episodes remaining but i'd love to be proven wrong.

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I guessed about Tommy dying in some way during the first episode of this series so this wasn’t a shock. Think they’re doing the right thing ending it with this season as it has not been great. I don’t know what it is or why but it has not been holding my interest in the slightest which is disappointing as I was really looking forward to it

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Damn they spammed this episode with unnecessary music. Some weird directing all around in this one.

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Giving Tommy a deadly disease in the final season is such a cop-out. What a disappointment.

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