Awesome start for S02! Love this show, great atmosphere, and way scarier then 'other' shows ;)

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Shout by L0B0S

Very good first episode, more more more!

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Like this show. Looking forward to seeing more.

Didn't they keep their lady gardens tidy back then? ;)

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FINALLY I can to continue with this series

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wow, so this season starts off with a ridiculous amount of female frontal nudity, and it seems like it'll keep going that way for quite a bit.
i hope they balance it out :rolling_eyes:

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Shout by Paul Turner

Love this show. Wow I'm confused. Was this leaked early? Comments from April? Aired May 4th? Same thing with Wayward Pines. Anyone know what is going on?

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Shout by Teddie

Really good start! Looking forward to this season.

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