So John "bumps" into the guard and sneaks a watch into his pocket and just stands back, then the store security comes over and asks him to empty his pockets? Are they psychic in a way that they could see the watch travel through the air and into his pocket but John was invisible?

I know, I'm nitpicking. I can't help it

Every episode has some illogical situation in it, it's gotten to the point that it's almost the only thing I can notice now.

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american actors playing brazilian people is ridiculous lol i couldn't stop laughing at the accents and all those old slangs. the dad probably thought he was supposed to speak spanish...

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I actually thought Finch would be the type to prefer to stay in the relative safety of being just behind his screens, so I was surprised when he was so willing to go out and get his hands dirty in Season 1 (at least after the first few episodes where he did kind of question his usefulness on the field), but mostly just because he seemed to be sort of anti-social. But the development of him being scared to step out after his trauma with Root does make more sense story-wise. I'm glad Reese didn't push, and that little reference to Finch giving him purpose was such a nice moment.

And at least Finch has goodboi Bear now. Ack, adding Bear was a great move, I love him.

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