• 681
  • 908
  • 5.9k
  • 3
  • 2014-01-02T02:00:00Z on HGTV
  • 1h
  • Canada
  • English
  • Reality
With four kids and two busy careers, Chris and Stephanie's cramped home has morphed into a toy-filled giant jungle gym. The family needs room to grow and is eager to find a spacious new home. But with cluttered interiors and unfinished DIY, they're stuck in real estate limbo. In order to sell their current property for top dollar, Jonathan tackles the bare-bones master bathroom and gives the house the polish it needs. Meanwhile, Drew leads the couple on a search for the family's forever home. The two-week renovation pushes the family to the limit. And even with their $1.5 million budget, finding the perfect property in their ideal neighborhood proves tricky.