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Season 2015 2015

  • 2015-02-02T10:30:00Z on ABC
  • 1h
  • 1d 19h (43 episodes)
  • Australia
  • English
  • Talk Show, News
Q+A puts punters, pollies and pundits together in the studio to thrash out the hot issues of the week. It's about democracy in action - the audience gets to ask the questions.

43 episodes

Season Premiere


2015x01 Elections, Economics & Knightmares

Season Premiere

2015x01 Elections, Economics & Knightmares

  • 2015-02-02T10:30:00Z1h

Panelists: Barnaby Joyce, Minister for Agriculture; Wayne Swan, Former Treasurer; Larissa Waters, Queensland Greens Senator; John Madigan, Independent Senator for Victoria; and Jacqui Lambie, Independent Senator for Tasmania.

Panelists: Alan Jones, Influential Radio Broadcaster; Jamie Briggs, Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Development; Chris Bowen, Shadow Treasurer; Heather Ridout, Businesswoman & RBA board member; and Corinne Grant, Comedian & Writer.

Panelists: Malcolm Turnbull, Minister for Communications; Catherine King, Shadow Health Minister; Lisa Wilkinson, Journalist and television presenter; Bryan Stevenson, Director, Equal Justice Initiative; and Greg Sheridan, Foreign Affairs Editor, The Australian.

2015x04 Family Violence Special

  • 2015-02-23T10:30:00Z1h

Panelists: Rosie Batty, 2015 Australian of the Year; Natasha Stott Despoja, Ambassador for Women and Girls; Tim Cartwright, Acting Chief Commissioner, Victoria Police; Charlie King, NT radio sports broadcaster and Simon Santosha, Counselor for Men and Families.

Panelists: Josh Frydenberg, Assistant Treasurer; Andrew Leigh, Shadow Assistant Treasurer; Miriam Margolyes, Star of Harry Potter; Trisha Jha, Center for Independent Studies; and Jamila Rizvi, Editor-in-chief of Mamamia.

To celebrate 40 years of IWD a special Q&A with guest host Annabel Crabb. Panelists: Julie Bishop, Minister for Foreign Affairs; Germaine Greer, Feminist icon and provocateur; Roxane Gay, Writer, editor and bad feminist; Holly Kramer, CEO, Best & Less; and Yassmin Abdel-Magied, Founder of Youth Without Borders.

Panelists: Joe Hockey, Treasurer; Chris Bowen, Shadow Treasurer; Cassandra Goldie, Head of Australian Council of Social Service; Kate Carnell, CEO of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry; and John Daley, CEO Grattan Institute.

2015x08 When the Bush Came to Town

  • 2015-03-23T10:30:00Z1h

Panelists: Fiona Nash, Nationals Senator for NSW; Joel Fitzgibbon, Shadow Minister for Agriculture; Troy Cassar-Daley, Award-winning Country Musician; Robyn Clubb, Treasurer, Royal Agricultural Society of NSW and Orchardist; and Rob Cook, Fourth generation cattleman.

Panelists: Christopher Pyne, Education Minister; Penny Wong, Opposition Leader in the Senate; Brian Schmidt, Nobel Prize Winning Astrophysicist; Ruby Wax, Comedian and author; and Michael Franti, Musician, filmmaker and humanitarian.

Panelists: Nana Mouskouri, Internationally acclaimed singer; Kelly O'Dwyer, Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer; and Ed Husic, Labor Member for Chifley; Michael Stutchbury, Editor-in-Chief of The Australian Financial Review; and Van Badham, Playwright and Columnist for The Guardian Australia.

Panelists: Peter Greste, Foreign correspondent for Al Jazeera; Mitch Fifield, Assistant Minister for Social Services; Alannah MacTiernan, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Development & Infrastructure; Malarndirri McCarthy, Executive Producer, NITV News; and Su McCluskey, CEO of the Regional Australia Institute.

Panelists: Derryn Hinch, Journalist and media personality; Andrew Robb, Minister for Trade and Investment; Anna Burke, Former Speaker of the House; Dave Hughes, Comedian and Broadcaster; and Jane Burns, CEO of the Young and Well Cooperative Research Center.

Panelists: Arthur Sinodinos, Liberal Senator; Tanya Plibersek, Deputy Opposition Leader; Tim Fischer, Former Deputy Prime Minister and author; Carolyn Holbrook, Author and academic; and Tom Porteous, Deputy Program Director, Human Rights Watch.

Panelists: Peter Singer, Renowned philosopher and ethicist; Greg Hunt, Minister for the Environment; Mark Butler, Shadow Minister for Environment; Amanda Vanstone, Former Liberal Senator; and Adrienne Truscott, Comedian, writer, dancer and circus performer.

Panelists: Clive Palmer, Leader of the Palmer United Party; Christian Porter, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister; Nakkiah Lui, Playwright; Jason Clare, Shadow Communications Minister; and Jennifer Hewett, Political journalist.

Panelists: Norman Doidge, Psychiatrist and Author of The Brain’s Way of Healing; Caitlin Doughty, Mortician and Author of Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematorium; Douglas Coupland, Visual Artist and Author of Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture; Mohsin Hamid, Author of The Reluctant Fundamentalist and How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia; and Christina Lamb, Journalist & Author of Farewell Kabul.

Panelist: Joe Hockey, Treasurer.

Panelists: Josh Frydenberg, Assistant Treasurer; Anthony Albanese, Shadow Infrastructure Minister; Jack Charles, Indigenous elder, actor and activist; Miriam Lyons, Co-author of Governomics; and Judith Sloan, Businesswoman, Academic and Columnist.

Panelists: Christine Forster, City of Sydney Councillor; Dr Cornel West, Scholar and Poet; Philip Ruddock, Special Envoy for Citizenship; Katy Gallagher, Senator for the Australian Capital Territory; and Bates Gill, CEO of US Studies Center.

2015x20 Magna Carta Magna QandA

  • 2015-06-15T11:00:00Z1h

Panelists: Bronwyn Bishop, Speaker of the House of Representatives; Luca Belgiorno-Nettis, Founder, The New Democracy Foundation; Noel Pearson, Chairman, Cape York Partnership; Gillian Triggs, President, Australian Human Rights Commission; and Bret Walker, Magna Carta Committee.

Panelists: Linda Tirado, American anti-poverty campaigner; Steve Ciobo, Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Trade; Joel Fitzgibbon, Shadow Minister for Agriculture; Dee Madigan, Author and advertising director; Grahame Morris, Political strategist; and Antony Hegarty, Singer of Antony and The Johnsons.

Panelists: Lawrence Krauss, Theoretical Physicist & Cosmologist; Anne Aly, Counter Terrorism Expert; Tanya Plibersek, Deputy Opposition Leader; Tim Wilson, Human Rights Commissioner; and Paul Kelly, Editor-at-large The Australian.

Panelists: Vrasidas Karalis, Professor of Modern Greek; Richard Marles, Shadow Minister for Immigration and Border Protection; Larissa Waters, Queensland Greens Senator; Trisha Jha, Centre for Independent Studies; and Greg Sheridan, Foreign Affairs Editor, The Australian.

Panelists: John Hewson, Former leader of the Liberal Party; Amanda Rishworth, South Australian Labor MP; John Stackhouse, Visiting Christian Scholar; Michael Ware, War correspondent and filmmaker; and Alex Oliver, Director, Polling Program, Lowy Institute.

2015x25 Choppers, Coal & Community

  • 2015-07-20T11:00:00Z1h

Panelists: Tim Fischer, Former Deputy Prime Minister and author; Alan Jones, Radio Broadcaster; Jacqui Lambie, Independent Senator for Tasmania; Mark Butler, Shadow Minister for Environment; and Katherine Teh–White, Managing director, Futureye.


2015x26 Culture of Change

2015x26 Culture of Change

  • 2015-07-27T11:00:00Z1h

Panelists: Annastacia Palaszczuk, Premier of Queensland; Archbishop Mark Coleridge, Catholic Archbishop of Brisbane; Ron Boswell, Former Nationals Senator; and Anne Tiernan, School of Government and International Relations, Griffith University; and Monica Bradley, Innovation strategist.

Panelists: Neil deGrasse Tyson, Astrophysicist & Science Communicator; Ranjana Srivastava, Oncologist and Author; Adam Spencer, Broadcaster and Maths Geek; and Beth Fulton, Mathematician and Marine Scientist, CSIRO.

Panelists: Chris Hadfield, Former Commander of the International Space Station; Anne Summers, Author The Misogyny Factor; Josh Frydenberg, Assistant Treasurer; Sharon Bird, Shadow Minister for Vocational Education; and Joe Hildebrand, News Ltd columnist and Co-host of Studio 10.

2015x29 Ethics, Equality & Evasion

  • 2015-08-17T11:00:00Z1h

Panelists: Richard Di Natale, Leader of The Australian Greens; Kelly O'Dwyer, Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer; Sam Dastyari, Labor Senator; Brendan O'Neill, British Editor, spiked; and Katy Faust, Traditional marriage advocate.

Panelists: Anna Bligh, Former Queensland Premier; Peter Reith, Former Howard Government Minister; Tony Windsor, Former Independent MP; Louise Adler, CEO of Melbourne University Publishing; and Annabel Crabb, Political reporter and author.

Panelists: Naomi Klein, Author, This Changes Everything; Miroslav Volf, Christian theologian and author; Tariq Ali, British Pakistani author and political campaigner; Laurie Penny, Writer and journalist; and Tom Switzer, Host of Between the Lines.

Discuss the Questions Here are the questions our panel faced this week. Tell us what your answer would be or what you think our panellists need to say. REFUGEE INTAKE Marcus Rigg asked: Mike Baird, you said last week: "We cannot see the images we have seen, and feel the things we have felt, and then go back to business as usual." And yet, it seems it is still business as usual with Tony Abbott refusing to increase the overall yearly intake of refugees. While I applaud any effort to help the Syrian people, when will Tony Abbott face the fact that whether we like it or not Australia is going to have to play a more active role in this global humanitarian crisis? REFUGEE QUEUE Nilesh Nandan asked: Are some refugees more equal than others? I don’t see the point of a reallocation within an existing quota, if the total quota itself is not increased. What do we say to refugees from the other regions, currently in the queue, who have had their place put back? BOMBING SYRIA Narelle Clark asked: My question is for Chris Bowen. Politics reached a new low when the ALP and Greens accused the PM of considering sending the Australian Airforce into Syria to improve his polling numbers. What solution does the ALP have for the refugee crisis if it does not include making Syria safe for the Syrians? POLITICS IS A CIRCUS Sheila Dhillon asked: Catherine Livingstone, when my grandfather first visited Australia from Singapore in 1996, I took him for a live sitting at Parliament House. After 20 minutes, he looked at me and whispered, "Are you sure you want to call this your home? This country looks like it is being run by a bunch of monkeys in a circus?" 20 years on, I have not sought an Australian citizenship. Not because I don't love this beautiful country, but simply because it would be a waste of a vote either way. As the leading industry body propagating economic and social progress in the national interest of this country, what is your biggest challenge with our political lands

Discuss the Questions Here are the questions our panel faced this week. Tell us what your answer would be or what you think our panellists need to say. LEADERSHIP SPILL 1 Jack Abadee asked: Should Tony Abbott stand down as Prime Minister because he has lost the trust of the people with 30 straight newspoll losses and will now struggle to be effective? What do you think? LEADERSHIP SPILL 2 David Hynd asked: If the Liberal Party replace Tony Abbott with Malcolm Turnbull and the polls don’t improve, will we see a repeat of the Rudd Gillard Rudd saga or will another contender emerge? QUESTION FROM THE FLOOR An audience member asked: This is probably a question which will bring Joan into the discussion as well and it’s the word hope and having a positive attitude to, yes, we have a great country. There’s wonderful things we can do in Australia and I am wondering what the people feel the role of hopelessness and the message coming out with sniggering about misfortunes at our indigenous pacific islanders and our neighbours who are facing crisis with global warming that hopelessness was there and the laughter, where as the message of hope that Joan you with your music speak truths, showing where there is injustices and speaking out of injustices and speaking the message of hope. LEADERSHIP SPILL-3 Andy Kelk asked: Now that we’ve got our third first-term PM in just five years, is this the new political reality? If so, how can any government expect to be in office long enough to make real change? QUESTION FROM THE FLOOR An audience member asked: Has the two party political system become irrevocably corrupted due to back of house financiers? LEADERSHIP SPILL-4 Jordan Smith asked: Now that Malcolm Turnbull is Prime Minister, how will that affect the Labor party's strategy for the upcoming election? SYRIA BOMBING – AUSTRALIA TERROR TARGET Bouran Almiziab asked: According to the Guardian "The air campaign against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria has killed more t

2015x34 Bill Shorten in Ballarat

  • 2015-09-21T11:00:00Z1h

Bill Shorten, Leader of the Australian Labor Party.

Panellists: Barnaby Joyce, Minister for Agriculture and Water; Catherine King, Shadow Health Minister; David Marr, Journalist and commentator; Elizabeth Ann Macgregor, Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art; and John Roskam, Executive Director, Institute of Public Affairs.

Panellists: Professor Ian Hickie, Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney; Wayne Schwass, Former AFL star and mental health advocate; Professor Pat Dudgeon, Australian Indigenous Psychologist's Association; Fay Jackson, Deputy Commissioner, NSW Mental Health Commission; and Dr Roderick McKay, Director, NSW Institute of Psychiatry.

Panellists: Sheikh Wesam Charkawi, Muslim chaplain and community leader; Ken Wyatt, Assistant Minister for Health; Lisa Singh, Tasmanian Labor Senator; Adam Bandt, Greens Member for Melbourne; and Tania de Jong, Soprano and Entrepreneur.

Panellists: Bob Carr, Former Foreign Minister; Michael Fullilove, Executive Director of the Lowy Institute for International Policy; Alison Broinowski, Former Australian Diplomat; Emily Howie, Director of Advocacy, Human Rights Law Centre; and Sow Keat Tok, Deputy Director, Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies, University of Melbourne.

Panellists: Fiona Nash, Rural Health Minister; Joel Fitzgibbon, Shadow Minister for Agriculture; Jan Thomas, Vice-Chancellor and President University of Southern Queensland; Paul Antonio, Mayor of Toowoomba; and Katie Noonan, Singer-songwriter.

Panellists: Paul Ehrlich, Internationally renowned ecologist and biologist; Simon Birmingham, Minister for Education; Tony Burke, Shadow Finance Minister; Wendy Harmer, Journalist, Author, Broadcaster and Publisher; and Dai Le, Founder, Diverse Australasian Women's Network.


2015x41 Facing Death

2015x41 Facing Death

  • 2015-11-09T10:30:00Z1h

Panellists: Andrew Denton, Journalist and Broadcaster; Karen Hitchcock, Author and doctor, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne; Ralph McConaghy, Palliative care doctor, Wesley Hospital Brisbane; Ana Lamaro, Retired homoeopath & psychotherapist, responding to living with cancer; and Rodney Syme, Melbourne doctor and vice-president of Dying with Dignity Victoria.Network.

Panellists: Christophe Lecourtier, French Ambassador to Australia; Christopher Pyne, Industry, Innovation and Science Minister; Kate Ellis, Shadow Minister for Education and Early Childhood; Nick Xenophon, South Australia Independent Senator; Andrew MacLeod, Former UN Official; and Holly Ransom, Entrepreneur and Youth Advocate.

Panellists: Yanis Varoufakis, Former finance minister of Greece; Greg Hunt, Minister for the Environment; Geraldine Brooks, Author and journalist; Anthony Albanese, Shadow Infrastructure Minister; Judith Sloan, Businesswoman, Academic and Columnist; and Tasneem Chopra, Chair, Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights.
