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Rabbit Hole 2023

10/10 for the first two episodes
A show that catches you out, you can never trust what you know with this show….
I normally can tell what’s going to happen I’m 90% of shows on tv, this one has shocked me and basically stuck two fingers up at me and said FU(k you…..
Love love love this show!!!!
Let’s hope it keeps to this high standard of production, writing and acting….

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Made it through the first two episodes and then my hun and I agreed that was enough. Dialogue is terrible, acting is terrible, plot is predictable and moronic. Constant droning background music is supposed to up the stress level but instead it gave us a headache and made us nauseous.

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Fantastic opening 2 episodes, look forward to seeing more

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Watched the first three episodes and have to say that it’s really thrilling to watch!

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Really enjoyed the show. Very well done too.

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[SkyShowtime] A conspiracy popcorn plot that addresses the dangers of information sharing on social media as if it were a story written a decade ago. There are few surprises, despite its obsession with plot twists, unnecessary flashbacks, and a frankly implausible relationship between the characters (the introduction of the female character is one of the most absurd we've seen lately). Most of it is too random and too forced to manage to sustain a plot that becomes increasingly inconsistent as the story unfolds.

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This is easily one of the worst written shows I've ever seen. It's terrible. It could have been incredible if it was just a little better written. Very very disappointing.

If you get through the full show, give yourself a pat on the back.

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Never really hits it's stride. It's watchable, but that's it.

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This is a really good show. You never know what twist is coming and where it's going to take you let alone who you can trust. And they set it up for a season 2 - lets hope it actually gets made.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Excellent show. Great twists and turns. Never sure what's coming next. :thumbsup_tone1:

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Wow! Absolutely incredible and riveting

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I'd watch Kiefer Sutherland do almost anything, but not this. I'm extremely open-minded and accept anything that makes even a little sense. Well almost everything. I can't watch something where the dialogue is clearly written for 14-year-olds and full of tired memes. Yes it's intriguing, yes it has great production values, but the incongruities can't be overcome.

One after another, I've watched incredibly talented people succumb to ridiculous projects.

Nothing here to see. Moving on.

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Really enjoyed the first two episodes. Was talking to a friend the other day how I haven’t watched any decent new shows in ages. However in this carries on as it started it could become a new favourite.

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It's hard to find a show that manages to keep you watching until the very last episode in the now crowded genre of spy stories. And Rabbit/Hole succeeds thanks to small and large story changes, twists and turns, and that sense of distrust about others that afflicts practically all the characters on the show. Kiefer Sutherland gives a convincing actor test, a little less the others. Overall, enjoyable.

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Amazing show… really quenched my thirst for a series like 24 to come back again. Cliff hangers and twists in the tales, back stabbing and conspiracies… what more could you want! 9/10

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Wow very good show :clap: so many twists and turns.

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Shout by Brett

A great post-SCL (Strategic Communication Laboratories, the folks behind Cambridge Analytica [presidency], sistered by AggregateIQ [brexit]) psycho-tech-thriller that almost operates at the levels of Mr. Robot in terms of drama / weirdness. Very well done. Can’t wait to see how the season ends. Superb all around.

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As usual another great series from Kiefer Sutherland and great to see Charles Dance……

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How did they keep Kiefer Sutherland sober enough to shoot this show. Good opening episode.

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