One of my absolute fave episodes of the series. Just had so many clever, crazy bits that reminded me of how I first fell in love with the show in those early, less exposed days.

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Rick and Morty gets darker every episode.

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I cried when Jerry hit the reset button. I had already been misty-eyed throughout the whole sequence of Morty's falling in love and that life's unfolding. Given my personal obsession with the "rewind power" as my most coveted superpower and times when I have felt that I would not jeopardize where I've gotten in my life by suddenly having and using it, I really connected with this episode. I think it might be the saddest episode of Rick and Morty yet.

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Wow. Just wow. That is hands down the best episode of the whole show so far.

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Definitely one of the best of the series, it had so many things going for it. It’s because of episodes like this I fell in love with the show.

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yep -- the the word is in, THIS is the episode.

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This one is ingenious and darkly funny.

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Can someone kill jerry PLEASE! I just hate him so much, i get the point of why he is is in the show but still……..just kill him PLEASEEEEE!

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Man I love that super long winded epic super sad montage

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That ending though. So damn good. i'm resistant to Acid, then proceeds to go on the late night show. haha

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Easily top ten Rick and Morty for me. The opening set up is insanely funny and everything with the Redo button is fantastic. This one also benefits from ditching the B-plot in order to tell a more fleshed out single story, which is always something I enjoy this show doing. This feels like classic Rick and Morty, which was sorely needed over some of the Season 3 and Season 4 low points.

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This season has been kind of weak but this episode was great. Especially loved the end credits.

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I think that there's one thing that we can all agree on. The Prestige was a really fucked up movie.

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A return to form after a few lackluster episodes. Some truly hilarious moments, as well as heaping scoop of twisted pathos as you can expect from a Harmon story.

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Why is every episode getting more darker than the previous one, Guess they are going to cross the line soon or maybe due to Covid-19 I'm not liking this much due to the environment right now.

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Not my favorite episode, liked previous one more...

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Best episode of the season so far. Might even be one of my favorites of the show.

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Oh man that Morty montage was amazing. What a journey and end

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Man... This season was kinda weak but this episode... Damn, so good

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Best of the season thus far.
I lost it hard when Morty tried to call 911.

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A series highlight. Very simple concept and message and still it was better than more complex and clever episodes, like the premiere of the second half of the season.

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This is a classic Rick and Morty episode. Simple (for the standards of this show) but very good

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"Best grandpa ever!"

"That's all I ever wanted to hear"

Aww, we knew he cared about Morty.

Psych, you little bitch, Morty

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