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Rick and Morty

Season 5

This season was a complete waste of time.

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One of the best season so far

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Not quite as entertaining as prior seasons but still some genuinely funny episodes and some great gags.

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there's no way on earth this season was written by the same people that wrote the ones before it. this season is like the "McDonald's you have at home". no imagination, not interesting and not funny either.

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Not the season I expected, then again neither was S04. I sure hope they didn't actually kill all possible story arcs they built over the seasons 1 to 3 because it sure looks like it, but would kill the remainder of my interest for the series rather quickly. The other part of my interest was already killed by the long wait for and actual episodes of S04. Since S04 it's gotten worse, S03 was the last "originally good" season. I hope they find their way back there. S05 though both gave me hope for that and also killed some. I'm rather confused and'll have to see what S06 brings.

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Alright season that goes downhill around the middle to get back on its feet by the last episode.

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The worst part is the writers at the end of each episode trying to make sense of the bullshit that they came up with for each episode. Such a boring season

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A couple of weeks ago I was scrolling on Netflix, Rick and Morty suddenly appeared, I remembered that season 4 left me a bit unimpressed but kinda won me beck with last few episodes, I saw that season 6 was already there, I started watching season 5, I thought it started a bit weak but it grew quite rapidly and in the end I had fun, with some laughs here and there. I guess one day I will watch season 6. Should I? Can you feel the meh in what I just wrote? Maybe I’m tired of it? Who knows?

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