Patrick's tanning mishap may have been a bit of a familiar plot device but overall this was a terrific episode. Some hilarious lines from Moira ("well, forgive me, John, I'm not an alchemist!") and the Alexis/Ted scenes really got me in the feels.

Damn, I'm gonna miss this show.

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One thing that I enjoy in Schitt's Creek is Alexis' growth as a person. This episode confirms that. I can't believe we are halfway thru!

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ted and alexis... my life is literally over

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That ending was so sad but at the same time so mature and nice, you can see Alexis’ growth, I really thought she was leaving with Ted after the wedding but I guess that won’t happen anymore, so I’m curious to see what’s Alexis next step!

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A bittersweet ending but I just love the character development we've seen from Alexis over the course of this show. And as much as I adore them as a couple, I like that they didn't somehow resolve a very realistic situation in a TV manner (like Rachel getting off the plane). Giving up a dream job or sacrificing where one's whole life is for a relationship isn't always the best idea. I'm so glad they didn't do that.

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Annie Murphy is a treasure. And I cannot wait to see what she does next.

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