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Smallville: Season 7

7x13 Hero

HDP you are still alive...Haha I didn't even remember Pete anymore, his power was screwed up and how he changed and went back to the speech from when he left, it became repetitive to me, but well that's the character. The thing about Kara discovering things that quickly felt very forced, as did the thing about Lex. I think the script took great care to have her go with Lex, and Clark and Lana were not at all obvious, putting it in her face to Kara. I hope the story develops better in the remainder of the season.

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Clark and Lana are the dumbest people ever. The minute Lex was onto Kara they should've told her the truth

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Tonight on Strideville, brought to you by Stride Gum: One Republic concert at the Gum Factory

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PETE! It was good to see him, he’s been missed! And I can’t believe it’s only been three years, it feels like seven years, HOWEVER his comeback was an embarrassment and he deserved better! He’s had zero character growth, and he still feels threatened by Clark and resents him, when he was in Smallville he said he lived in his shadow and now he says his life sucks cause he missed his best friend, so I’m mad cause Pete deserved a better life!
The soundtrack is amazing!!!

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This entire episode is just a commercial for Stride gum.

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