I would have liked to see more of that alternate world, but well, about Lex as president, I hope they will show him a little more bad, it wasn't good but it could have been better And I liked the rest although I don't know if Lionel was protecting her or not, and I think Lex from that world also killed him.j How crazy to see little or almost nothing of Kryton, and Brainiac I don't think it will stop there.Or so I hope

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THAT'S WHAT IT SAYS ON MY PULITZER! ha! Love Lois so much and I've missed her so much this season!! We finally got a Clois interaction! And a peak of Clark Kent journalist life.
And this aired back in 2008 and they were talking about quantum traveling!!! always ahead of their game!!
Also where tf is Lana??? they didn't even showed her in this alternate reality so what happened? did they fired Kristin? did she quit? cause this is not the last season my girl deserved!!!
And this has been the best episode this season (next with Siren and that was thanx to Oli!), like you can tell something happened in the middle cause the few first episodes were ok and these last also have been decent but the other 10 or so were sht. And wtf cares about brainic, that was a dumb villain for this season.

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Definitely the best/ most fun episode of this season so far. Love the Lex as president stuff.

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