I thought it was good and I didn't hate the dream sequence. I thought that filling half the season finale with it was a waste. I want to know what happened to crazy crackhead neighbor girl.

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I actually thought the season finale was great. A lot of people seem to hate the dream sequence but to me, it told an underlying story of even if you do right, even if you are good people, bad things still happen to good people. In the beginning of the dream sequence the teacher is talking about the multi earth theory. The professors line is something like, "You might be failing this class now but in an alternate universe you are teaching it", this applies to the offer with Teddy offering Franklin a position in the CIA. No matter what route he would have chose, the end result would have been the same. At least he is the person on top.

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Wow wtf he is alive OK enough from this shit worst char ever made Franklin 2017 and ep also bad.

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There's nothing I hate more on TV shows than dream sequence episodes. They are an absolute waste of time and add nothing of value to the plot. It just screams "I ran out of ideas" sloppy AF

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Come on...after amazing episodes 7/8/9 they waste 40+ mins with a parallel world nonsense & wrap up the season in the final 10 mins. Feeling cheated...

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