Once again it was the outside scenes that saved this episode for me - they were really spectacular. Sean Bean's antics are still fun to watch. Where did the annoying young engineer trainee disappear? The former tailie who was instrumental in the revolution with his stupidity? Did he get drawered?

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Hands down, the most insufferable character Sean Bean has ever played. And he has played a lot of characters.

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I love the Alex-Melanie relationship. In my opinion Alex is a great addition to the show.

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Is this the Polar Express? Did I just see multi-track do-rifto?

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Alex is so annoying.
First she could barely care less about her "mother", rather wanting to see her suffer than anything, repeatedly telling her it's "too late", train's left the station for her being a mother yada yada and now she wants to make a point about Melanie leaving her again. Please bi***, you didn't care much for mother-daughter time while you had the chance. Don't come crying now like a crocodile. Plus, her suicide mission, if it were to go well, just takes a month. What's one month versus years?
The annoyance is strong in this one.
Can't even totally argue it away with "oh she's a teenager". She's walking on thin ice is what is.

Glad they got through it, but I'm a little tense waiting for some Wilford-plot where he exploits their connection.

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The Alex-Melanie drama is not what I'm here for, let's get back to the existential crisis of train survival.

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This show is getting better and better!

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