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Snowpiercer: Season 3

3x07 Ouroboros


Shout by Jon

It’s getting more & more difficult to watch Snowpiercer, none more than this episode. As many others have commented, the dream episode while excellently acted, just appears as a filler, and has no real significance to the overall storyline.

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When you believe that nothing can make this season worse, this episode show up. This is real garbage.

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I thought there is no lower than the previous episode. How wrong I was. A brain damaged episode where we follow Layton's inner struggle with brain damage. A torture. This series is out of steam.

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why do these studios waste money on shit episodes like this?

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First; everyone looks so cool in summer wear.
Second: Am I liking Wilford now? Am I? Because if he leads us to Melanie I will love him. I will! All is forgiven. Well not all.. not what he did to poor Javi but I will give him a nod of appreciation if he leads us to MELANIE!
Layton figuring out he might not be fit to lead after he killed Pike over that exact same thing... Man... that stings. I wonder what Ruth will do when she finds out about New Eden.

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I absolutely god damn detest these kinds of "dream sequence" filler episodes. They are such an enormous, warn-out trope and a waste of my time. I love the show otherwise, but this is definitely the worst episode of the entire show so far!

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There's nothing I hate more than dream sequence episodes...

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What the hell? Layton could have had this epiphany lucid and he didn't need to be in a coma for a whole episode to do it.

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Getting to the stage now that if the series is not renewed for another season I will not be sad

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And it happened, what a waste of time, a rape episode, every series had it, when timeline and story becomes weak and you have to deliver what you promised this is result. The last I want to know and see is inside of brain of main characters in this show. Screne writen suddenly bring us in somwthing we can desribe as a bad trip of Twin Peaks. Oh I wish i didnt watch this...
And i wish someone from the production stop this episode before shooting..:(

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Pure utter dross dog shit!

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This was a lot like a Star Trek filler episode. We've seen it many times: a character hallucinates or gets transported to a parallel timeline or is trapped on the Holodeck or whatever. All the major cast members show up in different roles with somewhat different personalities. Those were usually decent episodes - and this one is too - but they never really advanced the story either.

So yeah, this one was fine, but most of it was skippable. If you were really pressed for time you could remove the entire hallucination plot up until Layton wakes up in the bunker in Korea and you basically wouldn't miss anything that had any bearing on the show's plot.

And speaking of the Korea sequence, I'm glad that they resolved an issue that has been bugging me all season. When Layton had his vision of the tree, I was afraid that the show was going to start veering into mysticism and add some sort of element of divine guidance. Fortunately, this episode squashed that like a bug by having Layton realize that the "vision" was just a photo in the bunker that he didn't remember seeing.

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Dog shit episode.... You would think the actors would say something when filming such as what the fuck are we doing.....

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this episode suck! waste of time

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This show has completely lost the plot. It's just "stuff happens on a train" by now, little or nothing to do with the greatness that is Snowpiercer The Movie

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What the heck?!?! These coma-dream sequences are ridiculous. I waited a week for the next episode and half of it is watching Layton dream?!?!

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I actually like the idea of doing something different. It was fun seeing the characters play different roles.

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Dream episode, really. So out of ideas that they pull Dream episode filler.

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another garbage episode to fill up time, no Melanie and only 2mins of the main storyline
too bad, it was a good show

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