Also, Ruth was being super careless about that champagne :flushed:

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I might be done with this show after that...
They are in control, now we are in control, now he's in control, now she's back in control.. and the death dream episode was cringy.
The writing is getting thin, and Andre needs a haircut, are we really supposed to believe all that crap fits under one of those helmets?

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OMG. Just end this shit show of a train ride. She’s gone. She’s back. Backstab. The world has come to end, none of these people deserve to live.

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It's good to have Mel back! Instantly the dynamic changes and now I understand what Wilford was planning because he knew Melanie wouldn't lead people into a dangerous situation on hope alone. Layton's lie finally caught up to him and it will create so much chaos. Now I've had this eerie feeling that Ruth will not make it through this season ever since the season started and I'm curious what she'll do now that she knows the truth. I hope she won't get reckless. I love Ruth.
Mel and Javi teamed up, yes. I love it. I hope with Mel back Javi will regain some of his softness and feel safer.

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I don’t know, I’m on Melanie’s side this time. It’s not worth risking everybody’s life for something uncertain and doesn’t check out. I’m mainly just glad she’s finally back.

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Melanie can get a second chance, too, becau-- oh, there it goes... :weary:

No wonder no one wants to play at building a society when being a tyrant is just easier. Until guillotines are built.

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Melanie is back to shake things up, in the wrong way, but okay.
The romance is finally happening.
In the end, we are left with the same situations: someone is helping Wilford and the war is about to begin.

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I al glad melanie is back. Finally feels like a real snowpiercer episode. Wish this happened mid season though. Now we will only have 1 episode left and have to wait a long time for more episode with melanie and wilford having big roles.

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Damn Melanie! Not again!! I was so happy with your return :(…why do you need to do the things your way all the time?

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That didn’t need to be a whole episode

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My brain hurts... I wish it just ended.

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