• 1.3k
  • 36.1k
  • 225
  • 2009-02-03T08:30:00Z on Network Ten
  • 1h 30m
  • 1d 3h 38m (25 episodes)
  • Australia
  • English
It's time for dancers all over Australia to strut their stuff and show the country what they've got. Based on the popular American show of the same name, So You Think You Can Dance Australia brings both professionals and amateurs to one place, dancing everything from Hip-Hop to Ballet in a competition where they will compete against each other and show they have what it takes to become Australia's number 1 dancer.

25 episodes

Season Premiere


2x01 Auditions: Sydney

Season Premiere

2x01 Auditions: Sydney

  • 2009-02-03T08:30:00Z1h 10m

Episode 1 covered the 2 days of the SYTYCD Sydney auditions – or as Jason put it, “the biggest dance forum in the country”. By the end of the show, 40 excited dancers had booked their places in the Top 100 – and millions were left gagging for Monday night’s Episode 2.

Chanelle’s back

After a warm welcome from Nat, Ep 1 kicked off with a familiar face. Chanelle the gorgeous blonde with scoliosis (curvature of the spine) was back to try again. Jason said returning dancers had to be much better than they were last year to have any chance. Fortunately, Chanelle was. And we had our first dancer in the Top 100!
Matt Lee’s Double Show

Then Matt Lee walked into the room. The only problem was Matt Lee was already in the room. B-boy Red is a dead ringer for one of our favourite judges and apparently it helps at nightclubs. But, while Red got a call back for Kelley Abbey’s chorey, he couldn’t master her magical moves, and his Dance dream was over for 09.
Damien & Jessica – the 3-week combo

Ballroom partners normally spend years trying to perfect their combination. But dark Damien and blonde Jessica went in to audition for SYTYCD after working together for just 3 weeks. Matt thought they were hot and they made it to chorey, but Damien found the moves “impossible”. He must be a perfectionist. He and Jessica are both through to the Top 100.
What does it all mean?

One contestant’s routine prompted Jason to ask, “What the hell does it all mean?”. Her response – “It’s all about overcoming … things” – didn’t convince the judges. Maybe next year she’ll have a better answer. And routine.
The dance that went on 'Forever'

Award for the longest audition went to a contestant who calls herself, appropriately, Forever. The judges were glowing in their praise – “Phenomenal!” - and tears flowed down Forever’s painted face. She romped in the Top 100. But will she go any further?

Accountant who shouldn’t give up his

Episode 2 took us north to Brisbane, west to Perth, and to every single point on the emotional compass. After hitting the depths of despair and the giddy heights of exhilaration, another 20 incredible dancers had their tickets to Sydney’s Top 100 - and we were left counting the minutes until Melbourne’s auditions on Wed.

Highlights of Ep 2 included the return of some familiar faces: Lamb (who’s not at all sheepish), Gianne the Brazilian with the jiggly booty and Gabe the wall-punching tantie thrower. It also featured the return bout of Max and Jason. Yes, the spunky little Hip Hopper jumped the border to confront Jason – her nemesis from the Sydney auditions. Our hearts went out to Michael the stuttering tap dancer and Mikaila who danced to the memory of her murdered Dad. Dance 09 just gets better and better.

Gianne’s out to beat her Season 1 performance

After a welcome from Brissy boy and last year’s champion, Jack Chambers, Gianne the Brazilian dancer from Season 1 set our pulses racing with a routine inspired by the pumping beat of African drums. Matt said he couldn’t stop laughing because her routine was so “joyous” but Jason was concerned that last year she fell down on the chorey. So they invited her back to work with Kelley. No problem. She’s through to our Top 100 – and determined to go one better in Dance 2009.

Ben graduates from Biggest Loser to Dance

Jazz dancer Ben from the Gold Coast looked lean and fit. But apparently there was a time when he was more likely to audition for The Biggest Loser than So You Think You Can Dance. Bonnie thought he had talent but Jason felt his whole routine was “stuck to the floor”. “Take this”, said Ben, producing a spectacular leap and an acrobatic running somersault. Chorey was a given and Kelley was not going to stop him. Ben is off to Sydney.

A Classical Shootout

At just 18, Talia is the youngest member of the Qld Ballet Company. Simone is classically trained too. But B

Melbourne and Adelaide totally turned it on, delivering eye-popping routines, drop-dead good looks and heart-wrenching tales of trial and redemption. Our judges then had the unenviable task of deciding which gifted, worthy and entirely loveable dancers would not be joining our terrifyingly talented Top 100.

Highlights of Ep 3 included the contortions of Wild Rok, the radiantly dyslexic Renee, and the return of Jet – hoping for third time lucky after failing in Sydney and Brisbane. Husband and wife Ash Leigh and Dannial scrapped over a ticket in Melbourne while best mates Victor and Paul did the same in Adelaide. Loredo told of abuse in his Jamaican homeland, Omar of being homeless at 15, and Victor of hoping to please his murdered Nigerian father. Providing the glamour were “Baywatch hot” Andrea, sexy ballerina Gemma, and radical cheerleader Penny, while “unemployable” Sammy didn’t let her father’s sturdy legs affect her radiant smile. Laughter, tears, spectacle – unmissable TV!
Demi welcomes Melbourne

Ep 3 kicks off in Melbourne with an inspirational speech from hometown hero and top 4 finalist, Demi. How had Dance affected her life? She couldn’t even get the words out. Her simple advice: “Just be fresh. And bring it”. Melbourne did as instructed.
Wild Rok does what it says on the can

You don’t expect a tattooed chunk of muscle called Wild Rok to live at home with his Mum. But his jaw-dropping b-boy routine dispelled any notions that he was a Mummy’s boy, doing things with his body that normally require surgical rectification. Matt said they were some of the craziest freezes he’d ever seen and Jason Gilkison wasn’t sure how he’d handle the Foxtrot, but Bonnie handed Wild Rok Melbourne’s first ticket to the Top 100. Jason C? He thinks they’ll eat him up.
Duelling Husband and Wife – Ash-Leigh & Dannial

“Gorgeous” Ash-Leigh totally wowed the judges, with Jason G saying she delivered everything he loved about bal


2x04 Top 100 - Part 1

2x04 Top 100 - Part 1

  • 2008-02-09T08:30:00Z1h 10m

If the dancers felt elation at having reached our Top 100, they came back to earth with a thud.

The surprise appearance of show creator Nigel Lythgoe was countered by the shock departures of early favourites Forever and “Baywatch-hot” Andrea. Hilton’s brother David copped a kick up the behind and Emmanuel, Don and Drumstick had to dance for their lives if they were to make Monday’s Top 40 ep. Bodies are breaking down and we’ve only just begun.

Welcome to our Top 100 – and Nigel Lythgoe
The sight of show creator Nigel Lythgoe stepping from a limo brought home the fact that this was no dream. They really were appearing on the world’s premier dance program.

Nigel said the judges “weren’t just looking for the best dancers, but for people who can become the best dancers.” They’d be set challenges by world-class choreographers and the judges would have 3 options: send them through, send them home or invite them to dance for their lives. Let the competition commence …

First Top 100 challenge – Kelley Abbey Chorey

The first challenge for our Top 100 was a Kelley Abbey Broadway Jazz piece from West Side Story. After this first challenge, 10% would be cut.

Emmanuel feels the heat
As expected the b-boys struggled and Emmanuel was the first to feel the heat. “Today, crapola”, said Jason. “I’m OK that you didn’t get the steps but you weren’t acting.” He’d have to dance for his life.

Wild Rok crumbles
Wild Rok, the b-boy who’d wowed us with his strength in Melbourne, looked all at sea here. “I had the chorey in my head but I just came on stage and – poof. Bit disappointed with myself”. He wasn’t the only one. He’d be dancing for his life too.

Carlo dances in Demi’s shadow
Hip Hopper Carlo made Top 40 last year but that pales by comparison to the achievements of his sister, Demi. Kelley said they expected better of a second season veteran – he was a dance away from elimination.

Jet crashes


2x05 Top 100 - Part 2

2x05 Top 100 - Part 2

  • 2008-02-09T08:30:00Z46m

As our last 70 dancers collaborated overnight on group chorey, some rose to new heights while others fought, many faltered, and the foolish chose to vent their frustration on the judges. By Episode’s end, 50 faced the daunting prospect of mastering Jason Gilkison’s African Samba to make Wed night’s Final Top 20. The first major climax of Season 2 is in sight.

Highlights of Top 100 Week Part 2 were commanding performances from Loredo, born-again lady Lamb, and hot ballerina Talia. Stephen clashed with Damien, series favourite Christian hung on by the skin of his teeth, and we saw the last of Omar, Drumstick and dyslexic Renee. Carlo won’t match sister Demi this year, while Max’s brother Sisqo would still be with us – if only he’d just kept his big mouth shut.

Aching for Gianne, glued to Gemma
The second phase of Top 100 Week kicked off with more dancers facing the 3rd dance challenge of Sarah Bolter’s chorey. Brazilian Gianne looked like she’d come to the end of the road when Jason said “I don’t know how to say this … “, but he was teasing. “I a-a-ache for you”, he said. “You’re doing such a good job." Bonnie told ballerina Gemma, “I couldn’t take my eyes off you”. She wasn’t the only one.

Carlo sent back to school
Demi’s brother, Carlo, had reached a similar stage last year and Jason Coleman wanted to know what technical classes he’d done since then. None, said Carlo. “You just answered why I’m sending you home”, said Jason. Carlo said he came back this year to make it clear that he wasn’t just Demi’s brother. How could he have hoped to do that without lifting his game technically?

Sisqo blows it big time
The most sensational moment of Top 100 Week Part 2 was Sisqo seizing defeat from the jaws of victory.

Matt asked him a simple question – had he done enough to go through? Sisqo said, “Oh, yeah” just a little too arrogantly. Any doubt? Not at all, said Sisqo, continuing down a dangerous


2x06 Top 20 Revealed

2x06 Top 20 Revealed

  • 2009-02-12T08:30:00Z1h 11m

Of our 50 remaining dancers, 10 would be cut after Jason Gilkison’s African Samba challenge, leaving 40 nervous dancers to await their fate at the end of the Green Mile. The tears started early and didn’t stop – as dancers discovered whether they were in our Top 20 – or had to try again next year.

The biggest shock was Christian not even making Top 40. Gabriel made the cut but then tragically injured himself. The judges had to break the hearts of Don and Jamie but brought tears of joy to Penny, Loredo and Chanelle. Max made it – though her tongue almost cost her again - while slipping under the radar was Amy – named Top Female dancer of Top 100 week. Look out!

Jason Gilkison’s African Samba Dance Challenge
Last year, Henry and Vanessa delivered one of the best performances of the season with a Jason Gilkison choreographed African Samba. Our final 50 had to try to match them, knowing that 10 would be cut heartbreakingly close to the Green Mile.

Penny and Charlie get off on the wrong foot
Ballroom was a huge leap for Penny and Charlie and their hearts were in their mouths when Nigel said they’d started the routine on the wrong beat – and stayed that way. Luckily their second take was better – and they were part of our Top 40.

Ann Maree and Eli take the charisma by-pass
Bonnie said she loved the charisma of Ann Maree and Eli, but wondered whether they’d worked well as a couple? Yes, they had. They were through.

Gabrielle and Renee know their left from their right
Jason G said it was fantastic to see Gabriel back after his literally bone-jarring departure last year. Gabe felt he’d grown exponentially and the judges agreed. He and Renee – not the dyslexic one – had made it to the last stage.

Christian gets cut
We ran a poll about who was guaranteed to make Top 20 and Christian received nearly half the votes. So it came as a huge shock when Jason Gilkison said he wouldn’t even make Top 40.

Jason 2 said that Christian


2x07 Final 20 Performances

2x07 Final 20 Performances

  • 2009-02-15T08:30:00Z1h 32m

With an electric build-up, our quest to find Australia’s favourite dancer began in earnest with our Top 20 pairing off and performing for the very first time. After a late scare for Loredo, there were standout performances from Danny & Kat and clear crowd favourites, Penny and Charlie – while Amy had to apologise to her Dad for her barely-there cossie.

Top 20 Couple #1: Pania & Ben
Hip Hopper Pania was matched with professional Jazz dancer Ben and their first routine was a Contemporary piece to The Presets’ “Talk like that” choreographed by Marko from our First Season Top 20.

Matt said it was a “fantastic start” and great to see a contemporary routine that wasn’t “sad and soppy”. Bonnie loved their floorwork, and Jason said there was “no doubt” in their lifts. He encouraged Pania to let go of her doubts. “You scored, darlin’”.

Top 20 Couple #2: Talia & Emmanuel
In a contrast of styles, Brisbane ballerina Talia was paired with Hip Hopper Emmanuel from Orange and first up they would be dancing a Cha Cha routine crafted by the master himself, Jason Gilkison.

Bonnie found Emmanuel to be “Cha-cha-charming” and commended the “gorgeous” Talia on her “neat” footwork. Jason said Emmanuel “was ballistically good” despite not getting all the moves, while Matt thought Talia’s “extensions and kicks” were just amazing.

Top 20 Couple #3 – Lamb & Timomatic

Perth’s Lamb was paired with Timomatic who is also from the West – West Africa. They performed a Lyrical piece by Travers Ross to the evocative “Rainbow” by Elisa.

Jason said there was “a lot of feeling” but worried whether it would translate to those at home and Matt had the same concerns. Bonnie felt there was something “going on” between the two dancers and Nat agreed – “There is so something going on in this room!”.

Top 20 Couple #4 – Amy & Damien
Star of Top 100 week, Amy, drew the Broadway dance genre and must have been


2x08 Final 20 Verdict

2x08 Final 20 Verdict

  • 2009-02-17T08:30:00Z48m

When the polls closed at 7.15pm, Australia had decided that the bottom 3 couples were Amy & Damien, Stephen & Ash-Leigh and Max & Jesse - and these six talented performers then had to dance for their lives. The judges’ decision was not unanimous but ultimately they said a reluctant farewell to the feisty Max & the popular Jesse. We now have our Top 18.

Jesse was the first to learn his fate and looked shocked – his jaw visibly dropping. However, Nat said “we love you” and Jesse said that he’d had a “fantastic time” and “it was a shame to have to go”.

Jason then told Max that she was the unfortunate dancer who would be leaving with Jesse. Nat asked whether it was hard to be the first to go but Max said "it would hurt no matter when it happened" but she “loved those guys”.

Jason said the process had been “nerve-wracking”, Bonnie said it was “sad” but Matt said it was a reminder that “this is a competition”.

The show opened with our Top 20 performing another fabulous Kelley Abbey Jazz routine - and Emmanuel doing an amazing headstand - but there was no getting away from the fact that we were here to send two dancers home.

Matt was “really nervous” and Bonnie said that on the basis of last night’s show you’d have thought the couples "had been dancing together for 10 weeks". Jason thought it was pretty clear who the bottom 2 couples would be but was unsure who would join them.

The first 3 couples called on stage were Penny & Charlie, who had been the “pop routine” of Sunday night, Chanelle & Loredo who’d survived a fall and Stephen and Ash-Leigh who had been Jason’s “low light”. It came as no great surprise when Stephen & Ash-Leigh were invited to dance for their lives but Stephen was “pumped”.

The next 4 couples to learn the public’s verdict were Talia & Emmanuel whose characterisations had won over Bonnie, Lamb & Timomatic who “had something going on”, Amy & Damien whom Matt had thought


2x09 Final 18 Performances

2x09 Final 18 Performances

  • 2009-02-23T08:30:00Z1h 28m

After the shock departure of Jesse & Max, our Top 18 were painfully aware they could be just one bad performance from elimination – and it showed. Some stepped up while others faltered but the judges were divided on who had advanced and who had faded. The Bottom 3 is bound to be tight. If you want to save your favourites, you’ll need to vote!

Judges agree to disagree
Everyone loved Gianne & BJ’s Contemporary routine, and Ben seemed the unanimous choice for “best male partner” but after that opinions were as diverse as the genres danced. Loredo & Chanelle’s salsa wowed everyone – except Jason Coleman. Three judges felt Talia had dipped but Bonnie disagreed. Jason C thought Damien excelled while Amy disappointed but Jason G thought the opposite. If the experts can’t agree, how will Australia decide who deserves to make it through to our Top 16

#1 Kat & Danny – “The most difficult job"”

While they pulled off some more spectacular lifts, Kat & Danny were unable to reach quite the same heights this week with an Aleeta Blackburn-choreographed Jazz/Disco routine.

Guest judge Jason Gilkison felt they had “the most difficult job” this week but he’d “enjoyed every second of it”. Bonnie thought it was “absolutely great” but sensed Danny hadn’t been completely happy and encouraged him to “work with your partner”. Matt thought they had great energy and looked “very comfy” together – an observation reflected in Danny’s blog this week. Jason C thought it was “really good stuff” but could see them preparing for their lifts “from the looks on your faces”.

#2 Gianne & BJ – “Like dancing through fields of flowers”

A few misplaced tassels aside, Gianne & BJ performed strongly last week and followed it up with a Debbie Ellis contemporary piece that seemed to win dance of the night award from both judges and the studio audience.

Featuring a hat that could easily have caused concerns, the routine transpo


2x10 Final 18 Verdict

2x10 Final 18 Verdict

  • 2009-02-23T08:30:00Z52m

In a tight vote, the unlucky bottom 3 were Stephen & Ash-Leigh, Lamb & Timomatic, and – in a huge shock – Loredo & Chanelle. All 6 produced desperate, spectacular dances for their lives – the “best ever” according to Jason Gilkison. Faced with a “very very hard decision”, the judges split their votes for both girls and guys, but ultimately the unlucky couple to miss out were Stephen & Ash-Leigh.

Ash-Leigh said through teary eyes that she’d had “the most amazing experience” and had “learnt so much”. Then, in a breaking voice, Stephen implored our Top 16 to “kill it every week”. Did Australia get it right? Did the judges? Let us know by leaving your comments at the bottom of the article.

Top 18 Tango with Jason Gilkison
The show got off to an electric start with our Top 18 performing a sensational Tango, choreographed by the master himself, Jason Gilkison. “These guys are so fantastic to work with”, he said.

Matt loves coming to work Monday because he gets to see our dancers demonstrate their collective talents but he was also nervous. “I just hope Australia has got it right”.

Stephen & Ash-Leigh make Bottom 3 again

The first 3 couples called up to hear the verdict were last week’s crowd favourites Penny & Charlie, last week’s judges’ darlings Kat & Danny, and Lamb & Timomatic. Penny & Charlie were the first to hear they were safe, then Lamb & Tim’s names were called. Were they in the clear too? No, they were first into the Bottom 3 – but both were “excited” to be dancing for their lives.

Amy & Damien safe - Loredo & Chanelle in danger

The next couples called to hear their fate were Loredo & Chanelle, BJ & Gianne and one of last week’s Bottom 3 couples, Amy & Damien. Would they be in our Bottom 3 again? No! They were safe, and instead it would be Loredo & Chanelle dancing for their lives.

Lamb & Timomatic make 3

The final 3 couples called on stage were Talia & Emmanuel, Ben & Pania and the


2x11 Final 16 Performances

2x11 Final 16 Performances

  • 2009-03-02T08:30:00Z1h 8m

After an outstanding Top 16 night watched by special guests, Jack and Kate, who knows who’ll be leaving Monday.

Early favourites, Penny & Charlie, Ben & Gianne and Kat & Danny again delivered stellar routines but other contenders are now nipping at their heels. Ben & Pania krumped their way into the leading pack, Emmanuel left his b-boy behind and Amy was guided by Jason Gilkison to a “defining moment”. Who will you save? Who will they cut? Have your say and vote!

#1 Chanelle & Loredo – Aladdin and his Genie
Dancing out of their genres once more, Chanelle & Loredo opened the show with an Aladdin-themed Hip Hop routine by Andrew Sears where Chanelle “again had to be sexy”. Genie Chanelle rubbed the lamp and wished she could produce a killer routine that was the best of the night. Would her wish be granted?

Matt didn’t think being sexy could be difficult for Chanelle when she was “so gorgeous”. However he wanted her to stop thinking and lose herself while Loredo had “hit everything”. Bonnie said Chanelle was “just a beautiful dancer” and she should “stop worrying”. A couple of moments of unison troubled Jason, and he felt Chanelle might have been pushing too hard. He said her partner had a lot of “performance mojo” and that she should be careful he didn’t outdance her. “Loredo, you owned that!”

#2 Penny & Charlie – Touching without touching
Everyone’s been waiting to see whether Penny & Charlie could translate their high energy appeal into a more sensitive genre and tonight we found out. Dancing a Kelly Aykers’ Contemporary routine to The Fray’s “You found me”, they had to be touching without physically touching.

Bonnie thought their floorwork was “beautiful” and felt “quite choked” with emotion. Penny was “so not just a cheergirl” and it was “intoxicating”. Jason C had a minor technical criticism for Penny but “loved it, loved it, loved it” and “so embraced the Penny”. Matt


2x12 Final 16 Verdict

2x12 Final 16 Verdict

  • 2009-03-04T08:30:00Z49m

After the “best ever” Top 16 show left judges with an “impossible” decision, Chanelle & Emmanuel were edged in the Dance For Your Life and sadly won’t be part of our Top 14. For Chanelle, it's the end of a dream. But for Emman, it also means parting with girlfriend, Pania. Elimination episodes don’t come any tougher than this.

Australia again delivered surprises with Gianne & BJ and Talia & Emmanuel joining last week’s survivors Loredo & Chanelle in the Bottom 3. All 6 produced “committed” routines that Jason said were so much better than last year’s solos. But Emmanuel failed to deliver any new tricks and Chanelle lost her core strength “in the last 10 seconds” and, amid tears, they said their final farewells.

Showman Emmanuel told his beloved second family that there was always a bed for them in Orange. Chanelle had experienced “two huge miracles in the last week” and felt “so blessed”. Partner Loredo wasn’t the only man who fell to his knees and wept but he’ll have to dust himself off and get acquainted with new partner Talia – because they’re now in a life-and-death battle to make Top 12. Bring it on!

Top 16 Hip Hop with Tina Joubert
Our Top 16 got the show off to a Hip Hop start with a routine devised by the amazing Tina Joubert – the choreographer who came up with Penny & Charlie’s unforgettable Vampire routine in Top 20 week. Dressed in tribal costume, they got down and primal to Kevin Rudolf’s “Let it Rock” – and our elimination episode was under way.

Top 16 show the “best ever”
Bonnie felt that last night our Aussie dancers proved they were every bit as good as dancers on the American show – and just hoped that Australia had got it right. Jason C believed the Top 16 show had been the “best ever” – but unfortunately that wasn’t going to stop them sending two unlucky dancers home.

Chanelle & Loredo make Bottom 3 again
Four couples were called up to hear their fates: Penny & Ch


2x13 Final 14 Performances

2x13 Final 14 Performances

  • 2009-03-09T08:30:00Z1h 9m

Two of our Top 14 dancers earned the ultimate accolade from visiting Queen of Scream, Mary Murphy, but one dancer left her “cold” – despite getting a standing ovation from the studio audience.

Kat and Talia were the lucky dancers singled out by the SYTYCD America judge to board the Hot Tamale Express. Mary also liked “star” Amy, was “drawn to” Damien, and felt “nothing but love” for Lamb & Tim. Ben & Pania’s opening was “sheer genius”, Danny “won her over” and Penny & Charlie “created a dream-like state”. Gianne & BJ would have been on that train too but for some synch errors. Loredo’s salsa got the crowd stomping but Mary said it left her “a little bit cold”. Who will make Top 12? Have your say – and vote!!!

#1 Amy & Damien – Ditched at the altar by Dan Karaty
After her “defining moment” with Jason G last week, jazz dancer Amy couldn’t believe her luck when she discovered her choreographer this week was SYTYCD America guest judge and jazz dancing demi-god, Dan Karaty.

Dancing to Pink’s “So what” in a routine that left the bride at the altar, Mary said “athletic” Amy was “a star out there” and couldn’t believe “strong” Damien was a ballroom dancer. “Good on you!”, she said, slipping into the local lingo.

Matt was glad Amy was “starting to shine” and Damien had done “a very solid job”. Bonnie said Amy was “really going places” and told Damien not to ever doubt himself but warned him “not to over-act”. Only Jason C spotted Amy’s wardrobe malfunction but said she “made it work” and “that’s what I love about you”. However, they’d “lost unison” in places and he encouraged Damien to bring more control to his performance. “But, nice work, both of you”.

#2 Lamb & Timomatic – Eternally connected by Dana Jolly
Lamb and Timomatic had something to prove last week and lifted themselves out of the Bottom 3. This week they were again out of genre in a Co


2x14 Final 14 Verdict

2x14 Final 14 Verdict

  • 2009-03-10T08:30:00Z45m

It was an “impossible choice” and the decision wasn’t unanimous, but ultimately the judges farewelled ballroomer Damien and Hip Hopper Pania. To rub salt into the wound, they’d just learned from Mary Murphy that this year’s winner will perform on SYTYCD America – in front of 20 million people!!!

Bottom 3 “veterans” Lamb & Timomatic and Amy & Damien were joined this week by first-timers Ben & Pania. The Dances For Your Lives were again critical with Jason saying it was no longer about commitment but about “choices”.

Unfortunately, Pania failed to show anything new and joined boyfriend Emmanuel who was eliminated last week. Ben made an “interesting decision” to underplay his solo, but just managed to edge out 18 year old Damien, whose elimination produced a huge “No!!!” from the audience.

Amy & Ben now have to forge a new partnership with an extra degree of difficulty – our Top 12 couples will each perform 2 routines this Sunday night! Who will survive and make our prestigious Top 10?

Top 14 Contemporary Routine
Our Top 14 showed us how much they’ve grown in a touching tribute to the Victorian bushfire victims choreographed by Juliette Verne to James Morrison’s “You make it real”.

Mary announces huge surprise - winner to dance on SYTYCD America!
Birthday girl Mary hinted last night that she had a surprise and what a surprise it is! The winner of this Season of SYTYCD Australia will not only go to Hollywood, and get to hang with Mary – they’ll get to perform on So You Think You Can Dance America in front of an audience of 20 million! Unbelievable!!!!

Ben & Pania first into Bottom 3
The first 3 couples called onto stage to hear their fates were Gianne & BJ, Kat & Danny and Ben & Pania. Kat & Danny had their names called first but they could relax – they were safe. Would it be Gianne & BJ in the Bottom 3 two weeks running? No, it was a first time among the cellar-dwellers for Ben & Pania.

Amy & Damien an


2x15 Final 12 Performances

2x15 Final 12 Performances

  • 2009-03-15T08:30:00Z1h 27m

Under intense pressure to make Top 10, some dark horses excelled while the more fancied couples faltered. It’s up to you, Australia. Who are you going to vote into our elite Top 10? And get behind your favourites with Fan Messaging.

Top 12 Sunday Night Summary
Talia & Loredo were the standouts, finally having the “moment” Matt had been waiting for. Gianne & BJ delivered on both routines but everyone else was up and down. Penny & Charlie were “mesmerising” in Contemporary but “came unstuck” in Hip Hop. Kat & Danny were “gorgeous” in Contemporary but “under” on their Paso Doble. Lamb and Timomatic had a Hip Hop “highlight” but were “exposed” in the Waltz. And Ben & Amy recovered from their “pedestrian” Hip Hop to score with a manic Mambo that “no other couple could have pulled off”. Who proved they have what it takes to go on? You decide.

#1 Talia & Loredo tackle Bollywood
Fresh from their McDonald’s moment last week, Talia & Loredo were off to Bollywood in a blue-costumed routine choreographed by Ramona Lobo to “Jai Ho” from Slumdog Millionaire.

Guest judge, Kelley Abbey, “loves this partnership” and her only criticism was that they needed to “earth” themselves a little more. Matt said “unison is the key” and they’d achieved that – even if Talia’s costume had got caught in one of the lifts.

Bonnie was “there in that market square” and thought their lift onto the shoulder was “effortless”. It was “a great routine: so classical, so beautiful”. Jason has spent time studying Indian classical dance and said Talia did “a fantastic job of honouring that discipline”.

#2 Kat & Danny – Sarah Boulter Contemporary

Dressed in white and yellow to reflect the joyousness of their Sarah Boulter choreography, Kat & Danny danced to Eva Cassidy’s “Over the rainbow”.

Matt said the routine was “all about trust” and he “didn’t see one hint of doubt” in either of them. The


2x16 Final 12 Verdict

2x16 Final 12 Verdict

  • 2009-03-17T08:30:00Z49m

Jason was “devastated”, the decision wasn’t unanimous, and ultimately it was a huge shock. But the dancers who won’t be part of our Top 10 dancers were Lamb and Danny.

The Bottom 3 produced a big surprise. Lamb & Timomatic and Gianne & BJ had been here before but it was a first time for Kat & Danny. The Dances For Your Lives were again brilliant, with Kat possibly shading it among the girls but the guys were impossible to separate.

The judges certainly couldn’t. Jason said it had been the judges' “most difficult decision ever” and in the end they couldn’t agree who should stay and who should go. But ultimately two had to leave. With “deep regret”, he revealed that the So You Think You Can Dance dream was ending for Lamb from Perth and Danny from Broken Hill.

The sadness of their departure was countered by the excitement as our amazing Top 10 drew from the hat to find out who they’d be dancing with next week. Read on to find out who’s dancing with who. And don’t miss the Top 10 episode Sunday on 7.30pm.

Top 12 Tango with Kelley Abbey
It’s always a thrill to see the group performance and this week it was a special treat: our Top 12 opened with a Tango Jazz routine by this week’s guest judge, Kelley Abbey to “Mi Confession” by Gotan Project.

Ben & Amy and Talia & Loredo hear their fates
First up were new couple, Ben & Amy, and last week’s McDonald’s moment winners, Talia & Loredo.

Nat kept them waiting an age before announcing that the couple who were safe were Ben & Amy. They couldn’t believe it. Talia & Loredo thought they must be in Bottom 3 – until Nat sprang a surprise. They were safe, too.

Of course, what was good news for these two couples was bad news for the remaining four couples – because three of them would be dancing for their lives.

Our Bottom 3 revealed
Those four couples were Penny & Charlie, Kat & Danny, Gianne & BJ and Lamb & Timomatic. Could the competition favourites, Penny & Ch


2x17 Final 10 Performances

2x17 Final 10 Performances

  • 2009-03-22T08:30:00Z1h 30m

Top 10 night delivered five brand new partnerships – and some exciting new chemistry. Three couples soared – but only 4 dancers are safe – so some great dancers are going to be feeling very anxious on Monday night. Make sure you vote for your favourites – and don’t miss Australia’s first elimination vote of the season. TEN Monday night 7.30pm.

Top 10 Sunday Night Summary
Three couples got raves from the judges. Amy & BJ's Lyrical was “a match made in heaven” and the favourite of both Jason and Bonnie. Ben & Penny’s Foxtrot matched them for Bonnie and all three judges loved Charlie & Talia’s cutting edge Contemporary. Kat & Timomatic were “fantastic fun” in their Little Riding Hood routine but Gianne & Loredo had a tough night at the office. They didn’t “get” Travers Ross’s distinctive Hip Hop and it was their “low point of the competition”. Were the judges right? Let us know in the comments.

Brave New Top 10 world
Natalie reminded everyone that the rules have changed now. The judges no longer decide who goes home. You do! You also no longer vote for couples. You vote for individual dancers and the rules are very simple. From now on, the boy and the girl with the lowest votes goes home on Monday. Have you voted yet?

#1 Amy & BJ – Futuristic Hip Hop by Etienne
Amy teamed up with BJ – her third partner in three weeks – for a Futuristic Hip Hop routine choreographed by SYTYCD first-timer Etienne Khoo to “Dance wiv me” by Dizzee Rascal & Calvin Harris.

Matt was “loving this partnership”. He’d enjoyed watching Amy grow in Hip Hop and tonight she “hit it right on the head”. He wasn’t surprised BJ had “killed that” because was he was so “strong and versatile”. Bonnie thought they had “great chemistry”. Jason loved the Tutting, and the “fantastic unison” and thought they’d done a “brilliant job” – even if Amy still looked a little like “a Jazz dancer in a Hip Hop routine”.


2x18 Final 10 Verdict

2x18 Final 10 Verdict

  • 2009-03-24T08:30:00Z44m

In the first elimination decided by the public, Australia chose to say goodbye to our Brazilian beauty Gianne and our Jamaican lion Loredo. The dancers cried, Nat cried and so did our judges. They were choked up because, as Jason said, “We were you”.

The public seemed to agree with the judges’ assessment that Gianne & Loredo had failed to “get” Travers Ross’s intricate Hip Hop. But was the chorey the real problem or was Jason right - "It wasn't good enough"? Have your say in the comments below.

We’re disappointed to lose two more great dancers, but we have some great new couples for Top 8 – even if one of them looks very familiar. Read on to discover the 4 couples you’ll see this Sunday at 7.30pm.

Top 10 Disco with Project Moda
Guest choreographers Project Moda kitted out our Top 10 in fabulous 70s gear to dance disco to Madonna’s “Music Inferno”.

It was a funky opening to a show where all ten dancers were going to be on edge. Loved the Afro, Loredo.

Bottom 3 couples becomes Bottom 4 dancers
Now we’re in Top 10 territory, the elimination format changes slightly. Instead of the voters deciding the Bottom 3 couples, you now decide the Bottom 4 dancers. The 2 boys and the 2 girls with the least votes have to dance for their lives before hearing the verdict. And now it’s not the judges who decide who ultimately leaves, but Australia.

Penny & Talia hear their fates
First up were Charlie’s old partner, Penny, and his new, partner, Talia. Which one would be in our Bottom 2 girls?

As their fans shrieked their support, Nat revealed that Talia was safe. Poor Penny looked a little upset but Nat soon told her that she would be here next week too.

Bottom 2 girls revealed
That left three women who had all been in the Bottom 3 before: Gianne, Amy & Kat. The crowd went crazy with anxiety, but only one of their dancers could be safe – and that was Amy.

So our Bottom 2 girls were Gianne and Kat. Which 2 boys would be join


2x19 Final 8 Performances

2x19 Final 8 Performances

  • 2009-03-29T08:30:00Z1h 31m

Top 8 week stressed our dancers like never before. Not only did they have to perform 3 routines instead of 2, they had to farewell Penny, one of the competition favourites. But the show must go on, and with Gianne back on deck, our Top 8 delivered 10 stunning routines that turned up a new favourite.

Top 8 Sunday Night Summary
The standout couple were Ben & Talia who, according to Matt, were “both on the train to the Finale”. “Amazing” Amy put on a master class in technique and, with Timomatic channelling MJ, delivered the “favourite routine of the night”. Charlie and Gianne did remarkably in a day less of rehearsals, with Charlie “brilliant” on hip hop home turf. Kat delivered a “sophistication” beyond her years and Jason Gilkison declared he had a “new favourite boy” in the competition. That boy was BJ.

Farewell Penny
The show opened with the devastating news that everyone’s favourite cheerleader, Penny, had a stress fracture of her rib and was out of the competition. The only girl who had never been in the Bottom 3, Penny had formed a power partnership with Charlie and won the hearts of millions of Australians.

Jason Gilkison said she’d been a “breath of fresh air” and Matt said this was “a dancer’s worst nightmare”. Bonnie said Penny had made the show “so much richer” and Jason Coleman said that he, like the rest of Australia, “had embraced the Penny”.

Penny bravely came on stage and through tears watched her Journey Recap – and what a journey it was.

From that unforgettable “angry cheerleader” audition, to her tears on the Green Mile when she found she’d made Top 20, to the show-stopping “Single ladies” with Charlie, the breathtaking “You found me”, the moment she cracked up Mary Murphy by declaring “It’s all good!” as she squinted through her one good eye, to her beautiful bridal foxtrot, the revelation that she was leaving, and the floods of tears when Gianne appeared to repl


2x20 Final 8 Verdict

2x20 Final 8 Verdict

  • 2009-03-30T08:30:00Z48m

The two unlucky dancers who won’t be part of our Top 6 are Gianne & Timomatic. But after Tim’s stupendous Dance For Your Life, a lot of Australians will be thinking we got it all terribly wrong. However, their thoughts will quickly turn to our mouth-watering Top 6 match-ups.

Read on to discover the 3 couples who'll fight it out for a place in our Final 4 this Sunday at 7.30pm.

Top 8 in Top Hats for Jason Gilkison
Guest judge Jason Gilkison confirmed his genius status by putting our Top 8 in Top Hats and Tails for a stunning ballroom routine to Robbie Williams’ “Ain’t that a kick in the head”. Looks like Chucky Cheese is now Champagne Charlie.

So You Think You Can Dance Tour Dates
Nat had some great news. The dates for the So You Think You Can Dance tour have been announced - it opens in Cairns on July 2. Click here to find where you can catch this incredible show with our Top 10 – including Penny.

Time to get down to business. Who's going home, Nat?

The girls hear their fate
First up to hear a recap of their Sunday night performances were Amy and Talia. Both got raves from the judges – but was one of them in the Bottom 2? Amy looked like she thought she might be. But she’d have to wait to find out. That Nat is such a tease.

She invited Gianne & Kat up to join them and Nat finally revealed that the two girls who’d have to dance for their lives were … Gianne & Kat.

With that announcement, Talia’s Top 8 partner, Ben, looked relieved as did Amy’s boy, Timomatic, whereas Kat’s partner, BJ, looked disappointed.

But they didn’t have much time for elation or regret. They were about to hear whether they were joining the Bottom 4.

Ben or Tim in Bottom 2 Boys?
Perfect partner Ben was joined on stage by Timomatic who, though he’s been a perennial solo performer on Monday nights, had just come off the “favourite routine of the night”. It still wasn’t enough. He would be dancing for his life for the 5th time.


2x21 Final 6 Performances

2x21 Final 6 Performances

  • 2009-04-05T09:00:00Z1h 9m

For the climactic Top 6 episode, dancers and choreographers amped it up to produce one of the best shows of the year and there are now no certainties. Which 4 dancers do you think deserve a place in our Final? Australia, the decision is over to you.

Top 6 Sunday Night Summary
There was no “standout couple” on Top 6 night – because all 3 couples and all 6 dancers were absolutely outstanding. Talia & BJ got a standing ovation for a Napoleon & Tabitha Hip Hop that was adjudged “the best routine of the season”. But Ben & Amy moved the audience to tears with a searing Lyrical routine and Charlie & Kat rocked the house with their own Napoleon & Tabitha Hip Hop. How do you decide who to vote for when they’re all brilliant and all deserving?

#1 Boys’ Trio – Supple’s Cops & Robbers
That clever boy, Supple, came up with a simply brilliant concept that had each male dancer playing both cop and robber to “King of the Beats” by Matronix.

Matt thought they were “three really strong versatile dancers” but had no individual notes because he was “caught up in the story”. Bonnie said they’d all done a “good job” but liked BJ’s flip, warned Charlie not to let the prop rule the dance and watched Ben “every step of the way”. Jason thought “Ben owned that” and Charlie “popped a little harder than BJ”, who was “left behind slightly there”.

#2 Talia & BJ – Project Moda 40s Beach Scene Jazz
The ever-creative Project Moda boys came up with a 40s Jazz routine that had BJ playing a geek to Talia’s hard-to-get beach babe. The track was Yellow’s “How how”.

Bonnie said the routine was “different to the extreme” but noticed BJ nearly dropped Talia towards the end. Talia said it was “kind of fun” but Jason saw her face and said it didn’t look like she was enjoying it. He loves Project Moda’s work but didn’t like the routine and found it hard to adjudicate because there was “so little dance content”.


2x22 Final 6 Verdict

2x22 Final 6 Verdict

  • 2009-04-06T09:00:00Z41m

After months of auditions, and 8 weeks of competition, there are 4 dancers left fighting for $200,000 and the title of “Australia’s favourite dancer”. Congratulations Amy, Ben, Charlie & Talia. May the best dancer win!

The unlucky dancers to fall at the final hurdle were two of our youngsters: Kat & BJ. Kat will be disappointed, having produced her “best performance” in Top 6 week. But BJ will be devastated after he and Talia pulled off the “best routine of the season” and he won the McDonald's moment for a record 4th time. Clearly, they were great – the others were just stupendous.

Now the countdown begins for our Top 4 show in 2 weeks and our Grand Finale on April 26. But before then we have our Special Easter Sunday show and you’re going to see some familiar faces. Our Top 20 are back in a jam-packed show that will whet your appetite for our finale. Don't miss it.

Top 6 Group Routine with Napoleon & Tabitha
To kick off the show, guest international choreographers Napoleon & Tabitha put together a Futuristic Hip Hop routine to “Robot Rock Mix” from Daft Punk. They brought the house down with a stunningly costumed piece that Bonnie said was “out of this world”.

Girls’ Solos
This week there was no Bottom 4. All the remaining dancers got a “last chance to dance” and the girls were first up. Kat delivered a “hard hitting” routine that she hoped would show how much she wanted to stay on this crazy ride. Talia said Top 4 was everything she’d been working towards and produced an elegant display that delighted her legions of fans. Amy said Top 4 would be the “icing on the cake” and her solo fulfilled her promise to “take another risk”.

Boys’ Solos
Looking like a boxer and dancing to the Goo Goo Dolls’ “Iris”, Charlie reminded us why he’s the only dancer who never had to dance for his life. BJ wanted to leave a memento of why he should have been in the Final 4, and produced an acrobatic display that


2x23 Easter Special

2x23 Easter Special

  • 2009-04-12T09:00:00Z1h 31m

One week away from Final 4, our remaining quartet got to relax a little and welcome back old friends in some fabulous new pairings for a sensational Easter SYTYCD Special.

One of the features of the Special was a replay of every opening group number, an insight into the rehearsals process and the thoughts of our Final 4 on that number.

Kicking things off was that incredible Kelley Abbey Top 20 routine which Amy said “set such a high bench mark”.

Damien & Ash-Leigh Jason Gilkison Rumba
First Top 20 couple of the night were the two ballroom dancers, Damien & Ash-Leigh, in a Jason Gilkison Rumba to Christine Aguilera’s “Hurt”. Ash-Leigh said she’d improved by being exposed to other genres and Damien said it was a rare privilege to work with Jason G – “the best ballroom choreographer in the world”.

We saw that amazing Top 18 Tango by Jason Gilkison again and Charlie said that when the great choreographer “looks into your eyes, you sweat”.

Timomatic & Gianne Supple Hip Hop
Timomatic got to play Steve Urkel chasing Gianne in a Supple Hip Hop routine to Jean Michel Jarre’s “Zoolookologie”. Nat wanted to know if Tim could “get those pants any higher” and our Hip Hopper said it was great to be appreciated for doing what you love.

We revisited Tina Joubert’s Top 16 Tribal Hip Hop and saw how Gianne taught the other girls how to make that booty work. The dancers had been asked to choose an animal character and Charlie went with “sloth”.

Stephen & Max Priscilla Broadway Jazz
Priscilla: Queen of the Desert – The Musical has just opened in London’s West End and Adam Williams choreographed Stephen and Max in a routine from the show to Donna Summer’s “Hot Stuff”. Max said they were a good combination because they were “both complete weirds” but Stephen said “Speak for yourself, Weirdo”.

In reviewing the Top 14 Bushfire Contemporary piece, all the dancers talked of how much it meant to be able to expr


2x24 Final 4 Performances

2x24 Final 4 Performances

  • 2009-04-19T09:00:00Z1h 8m

In the final night of competition dancing, Amy, Ben, Charlie & Talia kept raising the bar. All 4 dancers showcased their unique talents and any one of them could win.

Talia captivated with her stunning technique and breathtaking dramatic range. Amy radiated performance maturity and girl-next-door appeal. Ben was Gene-Kelly smooth and glowed with warmth and generosity. And Charlie combined dazzling moves with his wacky wit to leave the girls screaming for Dubbo’s Dean of Dance.

Their work is done. After being chosen from thousands of auditions and having survived a gruelling ten weeks since making Top 20, our dancers are now relying on you, Australia. They’ve thrilled, moved and entertained you. Now it’s time for you to reward their efforts. Who is your favourite dancer for 2009?

Top 4 Sunday Night Summary
Charlie & Talia put a stake in the ground with a profoundly moving Lyrical piece and our ballerina then did a seamless shift into sexy for a Tango with Mr Reliable, Ben. His Hip Hop with Amy misfired for Jason but the fault lay with the costumes and chorey. Amy regrouped for a cheeky Samba with Charlie that highlighted her professionalism and his personality.

Chucky charmed again in a Gene Kelly tribute but Ben edged him in the dancing and won more fans with his generosity. Amy & Talia, wearing one high-heel and one pointe shoe, were impossible to separate in their duo before they all did solos that completely captured their 4 distinct personas. Each dancer performed 5 times and Matt said they’d “sleep well”. Possibly not until they find out how you’ve voted. Australia, get to it.

Top 4 Group Routine – Supple Hip Hop
The biggest show of our Final 4’s lives opened with a Hip Hop piece by Supple that was light and fun - in contrast to what our dancers were actually feeling. The judges declined to pass judgment on their individual performances but Matt urged them to “dance your butts off”.

Talia & Charlie “Train Station” L

Season Finale


2x25 Grand Finale

Season Finale

2x25 Grand Finale

  • 2009-04-26T09:00:00Z1h 37m

Six months after auditions began, 18 year-old Talia Fowler has been crowned the worthy winner of the 2nd season of So You Think You Can Dance Australia.

A former dancer with Queensland Ballet, Talia pipped Dubbo Hip Hopper Charlie Bartley, 19, for the $200,000 winner’s cheque.

Third place went to Gosford Lyrical dancer Amy Campbell and fourth place to Gold Coast Jazz dancer Ben Veitch.

After a national tour with our Top 10, Talia will head to the States to perform on So You Think You Can Dance America. And not just any show. Nigel Lythgoe revealed tonight that Talia will dance on the Season 5 Finale before an audience of more than 20 million!

A brilliant technician with extraordinary dramatic range, she will be a fantastic ambassador for Australia and Australian dance. Congratulations, Talia!

Spectacular Kelley Abbey Opening Routine
Kelley Abbey has produced some brilliant group routines this season but her spectactular opening number for our Grand Final put everything else in the shade.

To the Global Deejay’s anthemic “Everybody’s Free”, a cast of Top 100 dancers provided a drop zone as our Top 4 descended on red silk banners, drawing shrieks of delight from the audience.

Nigel Lythgoe & Mary Murphy spring a surprise
Creator Nigel Lythgoe and special guest judge Mary Murphy dropped in from Las Vegas to give their congratulations to our Top 4. But they had an amazing surprise too. Tonight’s winner won’t perform on just any SYTYCD America show – they will dance on this season’s Finale!!!

Top 4 Sarah Boulter Contemporary
For the last time, Amy, Ben, Charlie and Talia danced together in a Sarah Boulter routine about the trials and tribulations of friendship. The track was “Broken Strings” from James Morrison (featuring Nelly Furtado).

Selected Top 20 and Choreographers – “Kill Bill”
Selected members of the Top 100 and the show’s choreographers performed a Nacho Pop and Juliette Verne routine to a number from
