Alright! The old South Park is back. But whatta bout Ned?

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Great episode. It is a bit like the saying how it takes a big person to say sorry, so Matt and Trey basically apologising for ridiculing Al Gore and, by extension, climate change in something which is funny and meaningful is quite an achievement and reflects well on them. I hope there's a continuation of this story arc next week.

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this was amazing! cops having to pin down "someone" to get back to normal life is not fiction. It's a hard reality that no matter how important/prestigious of a Job you do at the end of the day you have family/self interest to pull you back, something lingering in your mind which often isn't important but our mysterious brain doesn't prioritize .

so much in this episode is like OG South Park hitting multiple strings of reality and maximizing every joke into real life meta crisis situations we come across being humans .

yeah I'm on a solid [9] when I was watching this.

hits blunt!

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Climate change...just as real as MBP...yup yup.

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I love how much they still go in on how much Al Gore sucks.

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