Star Trek Deep Space Nine season 1 was fantastic. Great start and I'm already hooked.

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A complete 180 from ST:tNG. The Ferengi are fun and entertaining instead of annoying, but the Bajorans are pathetic and annoying instead of interesting and complex. In ST:tNG I got tired of the Ferengi and never wanted to see another episode with them after the second time they appeared. I never want to see another episode with Bajorans in ST:DS9... Too bad they are central to the series...

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The first season is often derided for being weak. While it definitely pales in comparison to what comes later, it's nowhere near as bad as people say. At worst, it could be accused of being a bit bland but there are some incredibly strong moments here. Characters are strongly defined and a huge amount of plot elements are established. The episodes are all standalone and there aren't many major story arcs, but the characters are consistently grown across the season.

It's nowhere near as bad as early Next Generation, that's for sure.

Best episodes for me: Emissary, Babel, Battle Lines, Duet, In the Hands of the Prophets
Worst episodes for me: Dramatis Personae, The Passenger, Move Along Home, If Wishes Were Horses

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It´s been so long since I last watched it I´d forgotten how good this show was from the beginning. There were already some really good stories, some I even consider to be among the best of the complete run of the show.

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