If you enjoy watching people gawking at things, smiling at things and generally being awkward every scene I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
For me it was yet another dredge through a swamp of annoyance as I see unlikable characters speak out of term, nonsensical plots revolvin around one person's rebellious and arrogant persona and lackluster solutions to said "problems". The humor falls flat, the canon is fucked, goddammit.

I liked the Georgiu scenes cause she seems to be more like the viewer and I enjoyed people finally putting Burnham in her place even though if it were me she would be thrown in the darkest and deepest brigg.

And yes, I know: Why do you watch it then? And honestly I do not know. Masochism I guess.

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Gotta love Philippa Georgiou, she's a bad ass.

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Every episode about bonding and belonging just hits me right in the core. As someone who never quite fits in anywhere, the idea of finding your place and being accepted as a valued part of... is the reason I love Star Trek so much. Interestingly enough, I rewatched TNG's Tin Man episode right after. ♡

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I suspect that Section 31 might still exist and one of it's members is the guy that "interviewed" Philippa Georgiou.

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My name is captain Dylan Hunt of the starship Andromeda......we hope to restore the commonwealth

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Characters suck. Acting over the top. Everything so goddamn dramatic. Too much focus on graphics.
Hard to care about anything going on in this series given how much the characters suck and the premise of shooting forward 900 years just makes it feel like nothing matters.

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I mostly enjoyed this episode. It actually lays the foundation for some very promising stories in the future.

My only nagging concern is that we've already been there in the past. We had great opportunities for this show to carry the name "Star Trek" with honor. Let's hope that they use their chance this time.

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There were many points at which I was able to connect, and it was satisfying!

Also, though not an emotional point: Wow, David Cronenberg! (But, WTF did his character do to Georgiu?)

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Oof, this struck a covid/2020 cord for me and I loved it. Looking up!

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Shout by Elliot
BlockedParent2020-11-13T09:38:49Z— updated 2020-11-17T19:16:49Z

A step up from last week but the 'shopping trip' to get the seeds was the least interesting thing about this episode and I think it was a shame the writers appear to have written out Nhan in this way, as I liked her character and would have enjoyed seeing more from her. The best thing, once again, were the scenes with Georgio - particularly that intriguing scene where she appeared to be in a trance. Felt a bit of a table-setting episode but it was still enjoyable.

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Their reaction back at Starfleet HQ was my reaction, mouth wide open and eyes wide. I loved that scene and was the best part of the episode. But then again it was a nice episode all round and definitely out did itself for feeling one of the most Trek episodes ever out of any Trek Show. This Flawless show is such a positive and feel good show and I absolutely love every single second of it.
Every episode is movie quality and Captain Michael, er sorry
Number One is super frickin awesome amazing,
Just like this show.

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Shout by Dahj Asha

Still not sure what to think of this. I definitely like it but I'm not sure if I really love it. Some things are very good, others not so great.

Anyway, Michael Burnham as acting captain was great! I really love how she handled it (efficient, badass, and empathic).

That scene with Philippa at the end was scary/concerning. Guess we'll find out what that was all about...

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Accept the changes, the new and abandon the past

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I can't believe this hasn't been cancelled by now.

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Why didn't they just let Seed Doctor die, and then bounce back and take the ship in a week? There was no reason for breather-lady to stay.

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WTF has this show turned into? What a weird feel good joking around silky love boat. Totally cool that you killed all the henchmen but whatever you do don't kill head bad guy. He will never recruit more henchmen.

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Voyager-J! That is interesting

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This is very much recommended viewing in 2020, COVID era. It is really an uplifting episode. Well done to all the cast and writing crew who have showed us what became of the old Federation. Something is going on with those Holograms however, no? I was hoping Adira would appear a bit more in this episode, but that was not what we got.

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