If you enjoy watching people gawking at things, smiling at things and generally being awkward every scene I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
For me it was yet another dredge through a swamp of annoyance as I see unlikable characters speak out of term, nonsensical plots revolvin around one person's rebellious and arrogant persona and lackluster solutions to said "problems". The humor falls flat, the canon is fucked, goddammit.

I liked the Georgiu scenes cause she seems to be more like the viewer and I enjoyed people finally putting Burnham in her place even though if it were me she would be thrown in the darkest and deepest brigg.

And yes, I know: Why do you watch it then? And honestly I do not know. Masochism I guess.

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@mansemat idk what's your problem just don't watch it
its still star trek damn it

@reza_eb Star Trek only in name

@mansemat yeah really looking forward to that michelle yeah spinoff... she may portray the anti-federionian but ironically while the rest looks like trek, georgiou carries the essence of trek...

@reza_eb oh great another "if you don't like it don't watch it" person. You do realize that response is idiotic, right?

@slimyboi oh great another sjw
