Isn't that a coincidence that Pa Riker shows up after Will mentioned him in the last episode ?
Well, it's not a bad one. It gives character background, which is never a bad thing. Althought, the way they mended their difficulties was a bit too Hollywood. Plus, those suits look silly now. And the connection to Dr. Pulaski felt out of nowhere. Granted, she's only just on board for a brief time now, but you being in love with a fellow colleagues father ? I think that would have come up. Well, maybe I am a bit picky.
One thing from the logic department: how do pain sticks cause pain on the holodeck ? Aren't there safeguards in place ? Usually they are mentioning it when those are turned of. OK, I am being picky again.
In hindsight it was obvious Riker wouldn't accept the promotion. As he will turn down others in the future. Loosing him would be like loosing........hmm. Whom, now? Who does Riker stand for compared to TOS. He's Number One. Which was Spock. Who himself is more represented by Data. Never really thought about that.

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Promotion; rejected. I wonder what his motives were. Of course, it wouldn't be the same without Riker!

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Riker and his Dad have a fight while Worf’s friends have a party where a gauntlet of Klingon holograms use painstiks on him. Yawn

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Shout by Deleted

needlessly maudlin episode. the b plot with worf was completely ridiculous

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Shout by JasperKazai

The prospect of one of the main characters accepting a new post that would remove them from the show is always a lame one, because you know it's not going to happen. Especially not this early.

How convenient that their method of combat involves full body armor and a helmet with an opaque visor. Easy to replace the actors with a stunt double.

I like how in the previous episode, Riker mentions his father to Pulaski (when they were eating his crappy eggs), and she makes absolutely no indication that she knows who he's talking about. But here, in the next episode, we learn they knew each other so well to the point where Pulaski wanted to marry him. Ok then...

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This was not memorable except for the story for worf and knowing what’s coming I’m glad to see O’Brien at his celebration

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Shout by Erebos

Kyle Riker was a textbook narcissist father. Star Trek demonstrates again how ahead of its time it was concerning social issues.

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the ultimate evolution of the martial arts

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