Worf, "What a handsome race." Whattt????? xD Well that's a humorous surprise that Counselor Troi's mom's gonna be with them again.

Omg that moment when the servant drank the entire glass of Picard's blue drink. Oh my god, that moment when Picard invited Data and it cut to random conversations...ROFL.

Picard, "Data you will never know how much I owe you for that...Data, later." ROFL

Omg. "Computer freeze program" (3 times......I spit out my food when the dude with the Tommy Gun came in the door. xD"

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I'm quite surprised that Picard wouldn't have been put more off by the whole Dixon Hill scenario after what happened last time. Not sure I'd have been able to go into that simulation again. Then again, he did duck very quickly, when the gun was pulled out, haha. Good reflexes!

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Shout by Simon

Didn't see that coming! Terrorists with clothes lined with explosive!!

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Every time Deanna's mother mentions Jean-Luc, the look on his face is so awesome

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Shout by JasperKazai

If Picard knew the fish people were going to arrive in a catatonic state, when why did he bother with the greeting party and trying to speak with them? Lol

If Deanna's mother is only entering her sex-crazed midlife phase now, that means Deanna herself is far from it. Why would she tell Riker about it, then? It wouldn't be a concern for decades, and it's not like they were in a super long relationship. Also, Deanna is half-Betazoid, so her phase might be different, or might not affect her at all.
Also... Majel Barrett was 57 at the time... awfully generous to refer to her as "midlife."

One fun thing to note is that when Lwaxana speaks to the computer to locate Riker, Majel Barrett is essentially talking to herself, as she also voices the computer.

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The space MILF is back. I like most episodes with her. But I can't deny that she's annoying AF. In most episodes she's a cougar interested in one of the crew members. This episode isn't different. That gets very boring very quickly. This recurring trope is still bearable that early in the show though. Her little sexual shenanigans were always silly and never anything more than mildly amusing. Her big mouth was always entertaining though.

The weird assistant, Stewart, the welcome re-occurrence of Dixon Hill (always liked film noir) and the unexpected conclusion save this overall entertaining but inconsequential episode. It's inconsequential because there's really no noteworthy plot.

Best scene: Sitting uncomfortably close to each other, in his dirty mind Riker imagines how Deanna would misbehave when her sex drive will eventually quadruple (or more).

Second best scene: Worf's admiration for this race.

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This episode was mostly just faffing about but Luxwana is so good

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