Season 3 kicks off well, but it's the background story that manages to be the more interesting. Dr. Crusher (a welcome return) and Picard have a wonderful heartfelt discussion early on which feels more relaxed and natural then anything seen on the show so far. The same happens later, although much more confrontational, between Wesley and his mother. Good writing and performed pretty well.

Dr. Stubbs, meanwhile, is a bit over the top and difficult to stomach; why was he even in the staff briefing?

Anyway, from here on the show has a noticeable step up in quality. Better looking uniforms (the old ones will remain on background characters for quite some time) and a change in overall cinematography style/camera lenses makes a huge difference.

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Shout by JasperKazai

Can instantly tell there's been a significant increase in production quality from the previous season. Wonder if that will last, or if it's just a result of splurging on the season premiere.
Apparently, these new uniforms cost $3,000 a pop to make?! That's insane!

Wow, Wil Wheaton looks like he aged at least 5 years during the seasonal break. Guess he was a bit of a late bloomer.

I don't think I've ever heard someone pronounce potential like Ken Jenkins was doing here. "POE-tential." Weird place to put the stress.

It's kind of funny to hear that faux prediction about how baseball died out. Because it is kind of happening how he described it. Baseball's too slow for the younger generations.

It was a decent episode, but the ending felt pretty rushed and incomplete.
Thank goodness Dr. Crusher is back, though. Pulaski did improve over the course of S2, but she still sucked overall.

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Ok this is supposed to be the season this show gets good. Not seeing it yet.

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Nanites in the core! With all the damage I'm amazed it could be repaired.

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