Shout by JasperKazai

There was an interesting mystery to this, but it kind of falls apart with the slightest scrutiny. If this entity was powerful enough to completely wipe out an entire species at will, then surely he could've done something earlier, non-violent, as well. Like, disarm the attackers, or send them away (a la Q pushing the Enterprise around). Or, alternatively, why didn't he recreate all 11,000 colonists and their settlements? Why only recreate his house and his wife? That's just asking for people to come investigate, when you have a destroyed planet yet one completely untouched house in the middle of a wasteland.

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Overall another good episode (third in a row!). Although that's deep in "mystery territory" and despite the fact that I almost always hate mystery in this show, I find this episode quite entertaining. It showcases Picard's superior leadership and intellectual qualities. Although, I must admit, it's strange that he keeps his crew in the dark about his theory for a long time. I would have preferred a more collaborative approach. Picard is a bit too much the lone hero of this episode. But overall the plot is good. The alien's motives are sound (ire and love are powerful emotions). Sadly, this is another isolated episode if I recall this correctly. Strange to never hear of this almost omnipotent guy again although his powers (is he maybe related to them?) must make him one of the most powerful and influential forces in the galaxy. I mean, he obviously can't bring back the dead or turn back time. Thus, he's not a Q. But he's certainly one of the most powerful beeing we'll ever encounter in this show. PS: cool house.

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I don't think it's the best episode of season 3. I'm at season 3 episode 19 right now, but the end of this episode is one of the most emotionally moving moments of the entire series so far. Absolutely masterful and that deserves the 10/10.

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I have no issue with this episode but why couldn’t he undo what he did? Maybe I’m not understanding his powers properly

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Another pretty good one the show is getting better

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Guy: "I committed genocide on an entire species, killed 15 million of them. But it was all in the name of love, and I regret it".
Picard: "Don't know if I should praise you or admonish you, but you're free to go".

What a joke of an ending. Absolutely the worst ending of any Star Trek episode yet.

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Quite a moving story, somewhat let down by small writing or acting issues. The central mystery is an intriguing one, and there's a good laugh to be had from Riker being hung upside down in a trap.

Kevin is seemingly as powerful as a Q, good thing he has a conscience.

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What an amazing episode. 2nd time I watched it and it still seems so profound....

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Shout by Simon

Not a guy to get on the wrong side of; one thought to wipe out a species! Pretty aggressive.

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