One of the most powerful episodes of the entire series. Great plot line, great writing. Patrick Stewart and Jean Simmons really get to show off their acting chops.

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Shout by Milo123

And it turns out Star Trek can do courtroom drama better than most courtroom drama shows that I've watched lately. What an episode! Probably a contender for one of my favourites from Season 4 so far; if not my favourite. This was a fantastic episode for Patrick Stewart to shine and he more than delivered. Jeri Taylor's scripting was excellent - particularly with Picard using the quote of Admiral Satie's father against her. Speaking of Satie; Jean Simmons was fantastic as the guest star in this, one of the better ones of the season. Frakes' directing is strong as ever.

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This episode deals with a topic that, sadly, always has relevance. Many important things are being said here. This is where Star Trek makes it's mark. But I felt a bit uneasy that of all people the writers choose Worf as the one to jump on the bandwaggon. Sure, he hates the Romulans. But that connection was thin to say the least.
Stewart does again deliver a strong performance, so does Simmons. Together with Frakes direction they make this episode work.

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Was a really good episode. Brought back a lot of history of both Picard and Worf I forgot about and resonates with anyone that respects the Bill of Rights.

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Damn! I thought I had seen every good TNG episode. This was a nice surprise. Powerful episode with a poignant message. Especially in these times. Bravo!

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Powerful, and even unnerving at times. It might not have worked at all had it not been for the acting skills of Patrick Stewart. I even found myself feeling uneasy during the Worf/Picard scene in which Worf insists he's doing what needs to be done.

It's a story that resonates today and likely will in the future. This is the kind of Star Trek I really enjoy, morality stories that show things in a harsh light, ask us to question things. It's also rooted in character development.

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Terrific episode!

Picarde is at this best here, defending the rights of not just one crew member, but, the whole Federation.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard: We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again.

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