Shout by Milo123

Half a Life (Or: What happens when Star Trek does Midsommar)

In all seriousness though, this episode has a lot in common with Ari Aster's latest. It didn't quite payoff entirely - there's some rough edges around the middle, but I didn't hate this episode. It's perhaps the one that's most at home in Star Trek: The Next Generation out of all of the Star Trek shows. Picard taking a reserve, back seat action to something that feels so inherently wrong a concept as this is certainly not something that Burnham, Sisko or Kirk would have done to name a few examples.

Rather than take the easy route of making the natives of the planet the bad guys or cartoonishly evil, even though they're in the wrong and nobody would argue otherwise (apart from that cult in Midsommar, I guess), the actors do a convincing job of selling their characters' beliefs and the script does an effective job at giving depth to them.

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I usually don’t like this type of touchy feely episode but the chemistry and powerful performances by David and Majel really worked. Highly recommend.

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I want to give Timicin a hug.

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Bit too much romance drama for my tast, but the underlying themes are very good.

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Another great story that deals with a social issue in a Star Trek way. And one where I actually whished there was no music in the end-credits. Having the cheerfull fanfare after that last scene somewhat destroys the emotional impact.
We see a very different side of Lwaxana here and Majel Barrett has some strong scenes. Her arguing about the Resolution with Timicin was very interesting and you can see logic in both arguments. The story works in two ways. The obvious being how to deal with the old people. Which I can say from personal experience isn't always easy. It is also a reminder of how we are tending to lay our values like a template over other cultures and judging them by that. At the same time ignoring how we might appear to them. Life doesn't, or shouldn't, work that way.

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Shout by Simon

Topical episode in which we find a civilisation which forces/expects the suicide of its citizens at age 60 as a way of population control. The Prime Directive prevents Picard from influencing the fate of Mrs Troy's latest conquest. An interesting idea here to refuel a dying sun but would such a thing ever be possible? Surely torpedoes aren't that powerful?

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