This would have worked better had it been a Romulan ploy. As it stands the episode becomes an alien of the week tale and fades into nothingness.
They did a good job portraying the future with what limited possibilities there were. They couldn't just build new sets for one episode. I know one shouldn't apply to much logic to the stories but for me it was a bit weird, that besides Riker and Picard, no one seemed to have gotten a promotion in 16 years. Rather unlikely I think.

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Very much an episode of two halves for me, but the good half is REALLY good. That being the scenes set in Riker's future with everyone around him older. It's fun, and the episode is completely worth watching to see Riker tell Picard to, "SHUT UP!". The reveal of Minuet is super cool given how obscure a reference it is (and actually works from a storytelling perspective).

Unfortunately, the other parts of the episode are a bit rubbish. The Romulans are good (especially seeing Tomalak back again) but the actor playing the kid is absolutely horrific and nearly derails everything. Then it's hard not to laugh when we see him in his natural form.

I wonder if the fantasy-within-a-fantasy trope was new back in 1990, as it's a very tired plot device these days.

The opening of the episode is interesting, as it seems they used a take in which the actors are messing around. At Riker's birthday when he's asked what he wished for, Jonathon Frakes pauses before delivering his line and smiles. Marina Sirtis appears to be about to start laughing when he doesn't talk, and gives him a whack on the arm!

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I'll never get over the Ferengi ensign. LOL!
If there ever was a glaring clue that something was so very, very wrong, that would be it.

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A holodeck within a holdeck concept was a fun idea, I liked seeing Riker's dynamic with the kid and his eventual acceptance of him as his own son - and then for the second time when he realised who he really was. It was fun seeing Tomalak again too after The Defector, and seeing the older versions of the crew - including a promoted Picard and Riker in charge of the Enterprise - was rewarding - it turns out I'm a fan of most Riker-centric episodes at this point.

Nothing special in terms of Trek episodes - although I'm always a sucker for these sort of episodes - but the highlight was easily the confrontation between Riker and the "Romulans" on board the ship when he realised that the whole thing was just a simulation and him telling Picard to shut up which is unironically one of the best moments of the season so far.

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One of the best episodes. It successfully pulls a double bluff on the audience. It gives us a very cool glimpse of a Riker’s supposed future, but we all know it’s a lie. Naturally, when that deception is revealed we are inclined to accept what follows as truth. Smart writing. Because this, too, turns out to be a lie. The ending/explanation is much too rushed, which has bothered me on previous viewings. Not so much this time.
I really love the use of Minuet in this story.
According to IMDb users, this is the 59th best episode.

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