Shout by robinm0
BlockedParent2024-03-15T09:45:25Z— updated 2024-03-16T11:26:28Z

I am in the process of intermittently rewatching this series, having originally viewed it with my children when it was first released.

Now I know why I've waited so long. We're in the 3rd season. There have already been too many that I could have passed on a rewatch. Surely the vanilla phase (a shiny ship in every episode, for example) will be over...

No. Even here, when Voyager tries to be edgy, it fails. The ship still looks like it just came out of Space Dock. The blatant attempt in this episode to bring in elements of Aliens, Die Hard etc, fails. Kate Mulgrew, admittedly hampered by the script and direction, just can't carry it off.

Another one that I watched with the kids, but could have skipped. Again..

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Hot, very hot, also gross and itchy. Like Alien, Predator and The Fly rolled into one. It's great.

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-03-18T18:29:36Z— updated 2022-03-19T20:34:42Z

She's bad ass. Love it. Constantly underrated. Is her wife-beater outfit a Die Hard reference? Even the initial part with Neelix at her side is okay. In this intimate setting, even he makes a credible team mate. The general premise is ridiculous. Really? That's just mosquitos. But it's another inconsequential diversion that is sort of enjoyable. I like the Die Hard part better.

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Shout by FinFan

Not my type of episode. I am all in for some action and Janeway doing a John McClane is fun to watch. On the down side the episode looks a bit dated with 25 year old CGI.
The mobile holo emitter is certainly a nice addition as we now have way more options for the Doctor. But how does the virus know it has to attack the emitter in order to hurt the Doc. Maybe it's coincidental and I am reading too much into it.

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Voyager gets injected with a bit of Rambo/Die Hard DNA! It works pretty well, and Janeway gets to strip down, tool up and walk around with a giant gun. This is episode is a pleasantly fun diversion from anything too serious - although the alien virus results in some icky things.

The virus creatures themselves are done all in CG, and it's surprisingly not too terrible for 1990s special effects. They managed to give them some weight and while it certainly doesn't hold up to anything we'd see today it's a commendable job.

The opening half of the episode with just Janeway and Neelix was probably my favourite part, after that the rest of the characters only served to make it a bit dull. The doctor's first away mission is enjoyable, though. I'm also impressed that the writer(s) remembered that Neelix only has one lung.

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Also a good one to enjoy. First it was like a Alien Movie with a Bit of claustrophobic feeling. Also The Captain beeing a badass was Great.

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Love this episode... Bio-filters don't catch it all...

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