I loved this episode, the old effects of ships in space, Takei, the dialogue, the weak and unnecessary analogies "like throwing a match on a pool of gasoline". This is pure Trek.

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It's not even bad. Not for the nostalgia (not a big fan of the original series and DS9 did the nostalgia thing in Trials and Tribble-ations way better anyway) but the story is good. We have a mystery and the captain back in her science officer mode. You learn a thing or two about Vulcans and Tuvok in particular (how old is that guy?). It's totally detached from the "lost in gamma quadrant" story arch but it shows again how much better a story can be when it relies on the well established alpha quadrant Star Trek universe (instead we encounter Kazons which are not very well explained at all).

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Although the resolution of the premise was unsatisfying, seeing Takei and revisiting the scenes from Star Trek VI was pretty cool.

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Shout by FinFan

Since the previous episode technically belongs more to season two, this is really the start of the third. This one is a fan favorite for apparent reasons. But it is also a good story in general. Why I don't think the idea of blaming everything on some virus is very resourceful it still provides us with a lot of background for Tuvok.
I really enjoy seing George and Grace in this episode. I just read over at imdb that this was also considered as a back door pilot for an Excelsior TV-show. Boy would I have liked to see that.
One thing concerning the script I find interesting: Tuvok mentiones to Janeway he could perform the meld with one of the (plural) other Vulcans on board. One would think we had seen them by now as it seems illogical that the don't tend to meet occasionally. Maybe it was put in there to explain another Vulcan who will appear later.

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Shout by Deleted

DS9 feels like their 30th anniversary episoded was 80% TOS - Voyager was only 25 % TOS . nobody cared about the stupid memory engram .Felt cheated and teased rather than forfilled

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