Another episode where Harry plays the damsel in distress. Why do they keep teasing us with the idea of his demise, only to snatch it away at the end. This time, he avoids death by snu-snu and we have to put up with his dull presence for the rest of the show sigh.

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That's not a society. It's a Harem - with an SM twist.

Harry is a dull character and this one episode won't change that. Expect Harry to be exactly the same in next week's episode like he was in the episode last week. It all feels so inconsequential.

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Haha, I suppose I was about due for a random Patrick Fabian guest appearance. The guy is like the Nicolas Cage of television: he doesn't seem too worried about what kinds of roles they are or whether the writing is good, just that the cameras are rolling. Come to think of it, it's somewhat surprising he didn't end up cast as one of the regulars on Voyager with those standards, LOL.

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Trying to add an exciting backstory to one of the most uninteresting and undeveloped characters on the show certainly seems like a good idea, but as happens so many times on Voyager we get it all reset by the end. This could have been pretty good if it turned out that Harry actually was an alien. Before the ship reaches the planet, it's actually all quite intriguing.

But anyway, the male wish-fulfilment planet of women falling over themselves to pleasure men was not a good move. This ain't the 1960s anymore, Star Trek.

This episode made me realise how much I now notice Patricia Tallman in so many stunt performer roles throughout this franchise.

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I really hate Harry Kim and all the episodes that center around him. What a lame character.

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Well, the concept would have been interesting had they gone through with it. Althought he bought into it to willingly. In the end it became an oversexed episode with touches of "Shades of Grey" (of course that wasn´t written than) that would have felt more at home in a TOS setting.
Sidenote: I wasn´t aware Kristanna Loken was ever in Star Trek.

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