Shout by FinFan

It's a great episode in itself but did they open a can of worms here?
Everything dealing with time-travel is highly theoretical. And, like Tuvok mentioned, Kes only saw parts of A (!) possible future. And, due to her travelling back through time, she might already altered that. I admit that right now I don't remember every detail going forward. But the Year of Hell will happen. And I wonder how that can be.
Kes specifically knows what will happen and she even knows how to stop the torpedos. I don't remember if they pick up on that but I sure will pay attention.

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It's okay. It's at least an innovative story. Reverse time travel and two Ocampas giving birth. You shouldn't overanalyze the story though. Worst thing: Neelix patronizing Kes. Have I mentioned that I hate him?

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Some things are little bizarre and unsettling but it's worth the watch, if only for the easter egg reference to "The Year of Hell" episodes which happen in Season 4.

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This is pretty good fun. I like the conceit that Kes is travelling backwards through time instead of forward, and I like that some of the glimpses of the future are hints of what we will see coming in some form or another later down the line. So often when Trek does future stories it all turns out to be an illusion, and this never strays into that territory.

This episode feels like it's all about hairstyles, with both the Doctor and Kes sporting new looks. I guess Ocampan hair grows pretty fast.
There is some absolutely terrible dialogue, especially during the Andrew/Harry/Tom scenes.

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Let me get this straight; Kes married Tom, and had a daughter who grew up and married Kim and they had a son that's Andrew. Damn Ocampan nine year life!

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Usually I hate Kes-centered episodes but this one is pretty good.

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