This is the first episode where Voyager displayed everything that makes Star Trek what it is. First of all it was a great concept to begin with. In the further developement of the story they show what happens when you threaten the foundation of a society and the fear of change of ones believes. And they hold up the mirror for us all to look in and realise that change always starts small.
Oh, and the make-up is absolutely amazing.

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PS: it's fair that Janeway is so interested in Dinosaurs. She used to be a reptile herself :lizard:.

I like the beginning where you're the observer. What irony.

I like this episode (but I'm perhaps one of the few who think that TNG's pan-sperm episode was an intriguing notion). I like that the alien species is front and center of this episode. And they show us a mirror. I can see Darwin, Galileo and others in this mirror.

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Turning evolution on its head! A brilliant way of examining how the truths in science have been ignored in favour of upholding religious doctrine.

Concetta Tomei did a fantastic job as the (dis)honorable lady lizard, pope, judge and jury. Chilling!

Also, I think the Silurians and Sea Devils from Doctor Who mythos must be related to the Voth somehow lol.

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Shout by LeftHandedGuitarist
BlockedParent2018-02-23T20:35:58Z— updated 2018-02-26T13:32:34Z

This didn't work for me at all. If you're going to try and do something a bit different for an episode, at least make it about our characters and not some guest stars (who quickly become irritating). To top it off, it ends with Chakotay giving a speech that fails to save him or his crewmates. Way to go, Commander Bland.

I couldn't reconcile the idea of the Voth either. A reptilian species who live in a galaxy populated with all sorts of alien mammals, and yet it's humans that are the sole ones of interest to them because they share some genetic markers? Nope, that doesn't work. Especially since TNG established that all humanoid species evolved from a common alien ancestor.

The pretty important message about challenging societal beliefs gets lost in the mess.

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So these dinosaurs evolved enough to build spaceships and then traveled all the way to the delta quadrant?

Also why didn't anyone at least ask these dinosaur people for some of that transwarp tech?

Did Voyager keep that cloaking device they confiscated?

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