Once the body-swapping stuff begins it manages to become more fun that it initially suggested it would be. I was impressed that Dan Butler managed to work some of Robert Duncan McNeill's mannerisms as Tom into his performance. But overall, this episode doesn't really do anywhere near enough with the premise. The swap into Janeway seemed a little bit nonsense to me, and it's all wrapped up easily after that. There's some godawful exposition in the dialogue at points, too.

It's kind of odd now to see Paris acting like a brat (even before he gets swapped with Steth). Looks like he's suffering from depression, which the episode didn't really bother to address. That would be something I'd like to see.

Did I miss something, or did the coaxial warp drive work fine after Tom added his carburettor? Are the Voyager crew ignoring a perfectly good method of getting them home faster again?

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Why is everyone on Voyager automatically trusting of fake Steth? Tom goes over to help Steth fix his ship completely alone. They don't know anything about this guy; haven't they learned anything yet (did they already forget about Retrospect)? Plus why would you send the ship's pilot to do an engineer's job? It's not like they're doing much else at the time? And send some security over. Would have been better if there was a security officer there but fake Steth had managed to distract him on some other part of the ship while he did the swap.

How did Tom manage to convince the real Steth to trust him? Fake Steth is a con-artist who fooled real Steth, why would he fall for it again?

Also still doesn't really make sense that you'd train Tom, the ship's senior pilot, to be a backup medical officer. Surely there are other personnel who might be interested in the job. Maybe if they established that other crew members were also being trained…

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Just a different take on the take-over-body scenario. Nothing special.

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It's okay. It's rather boring though. The overall premise of DNA manipulating body swaps/morphing is a bit too crazy for my taste - but that's mystery-SciFi and I guess I can accept this for this one episode. This episode succeeds to shed some light on the work and private relationships of Paris (although that's not actually Tom). I don't understand why he (the real Tom) is acting so weird in the beginning though. Is that ever explained?

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Shout by Deleted

at the end tom and Blanna are very cosy considering she just slept with someone else even if it was in Toms body. they are so ratty with each other I would have thought that would have been the straw that broke the camel`s back

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