An episode of two halves, with the first being a very enjoyable suspense/mystery thing with the crew acting weird, and the second half being a mostly okay monster-hunting expedition. The first reminded me somewhat of DS9's 'Whispers' with the paranoia angle, but it takes things in a very different direction. The episode also fooled me somewhat with the initial letters from home angle, something I was interested in.

In fact, I would have loved the majority of the episode to have been about Seven trying to get to the bottom of what was affecting the crew without being caught, it was all quite enticing. Instead we get Seven, The Doctor and Naomi Wildman teaming up with a pretty awesome grizzled alien dude who seems to be some kind of monster-ass-kicking Viking. I liked him.

It's a shame we get the expected and very typical false ending ("Wait! We're STILL INSIDE the illusion!"). And the beast itself is not very imposing or all that well realised, Voyager just merrily floats along inside it and we get occasional shaky-cam.

I'm really enjoying the evolution of Seven's character, anyway.

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Good episode. Naomi and Seven a wormhole sized telepathic monster digesting ships, what could go wrong? I like. Don't understand why Naomi and Seven don't have dreams though.

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Shout by thejarls

Highly rewatchable in my book. What’s not to love about a giant space monster that eats star ships?

I like that they didn’t tease the fact that the wormhole is a deception and let the audience in on it right away. There’s enough mystery to keep the episode interesting and engaging.

Jeri Ryan is great and I love when she’s able to lead an episode. The scene where she transports to engineering looking like Linda Hamilton with a phaser rifle and starts blasting is amazing.

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Loved hearing Sheppard's voice in this. Such a great character actor. Performance of picardo and ryan did not seem up to its norm

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Shout by FinFan

Personally I find this episode pretty boring. And I have difficulties believing that every single one of the crew has the same desire with only slight variations. The only difference in all their visions was what they do once they are on Earth. It does make sense that Seven and Naomi don't share that wish. But since we see at the end that Seven's not totally immune I wonder why she had no visions at all. Does she have no desires whatsoever ??
Sheppard has another apperance in Star Trek. This one much better than Dr. Ira Graves from TNG.

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The incompetence of the entire crew is staggering. The entire point of extensive military style training is to enforce adherence to protocols designed to protect the crew. The entire concept of compartmentalization is to prevent exactly these type of scenarios where emotions get in the way of duty. I would expect the Maquis to not be properly trained, but all the Starfleet personnel should be better equipped to deal with their emotions.

The acting by the rest if the cast is lacking, but the interplay between Seven and Naomi is wonderful. And the Doctor is always good when he gets screen time. Also, William Morgan Sheppard is always a treat.

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